AAAI 2019. TIP 2019. Jinsong Zhang, Kun Li, Yu-Kun Lai, Jingyu Yang. ICCV 2017. [PDF] Unsupervised Video-to-Video Translation. [PDF] [Github] Wayne Wu, Kaidi Cao, Cheng Li, Chen Qian, Chen Change Loy. correspondence considering not only the matchings of larger context but also Attack As the Best Defense: Nullifying Image-to-Image Translation GANs via Limit-Aware Adversarial Attack. [PDF][Github] Fabio Pizzati, Raoul de Charette, Michela Zaccaria, Pietro Cerri. We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. We use 8 32GB Tesla V100 GPUs to train the network. First please install dependencies for the experiment: We recommend to install Pytorch version after Pytorch 1.6.0 since we made use of automatic mixed precision for accelerating. Deformation-aware Unpaired Image Translation for Pose Estimation on Laboratory Animals. Matteo Tomei, Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara. [PDF] [Unofficial] Rui Gong, Dengxin Dai, Yuhua Chen, Wen Li, Luc Van Gool. Rongliang Wu, Shijian Lu. Wish You Were Here: Context-Aware Human Generation. Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye. Wenju Xu, Shawn Keshmiri, Guanghui Wang. Hanbit Lee, Jinseok Seol, Sang-goo Lee. Fangneng Zhan, Yingchen Yu, Rongliang Wu, Kaiwen Cui, Aoran Xiao, Shijian Lu, Ling Shao. [PDF] [Project] arxiv 2021. arxiv 2021. Liming Jiang, Changxu Zhang, Mingyang Huang, Chunxiao Liu, Jianping Shi, Chen Change Loy. SPatchGAN: A Statistical Feature Based Discriminator for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. ReMix: Towards Image-to-Image Translation with Limited Data. CVPR 2017. (Deepfashion dataset) - "Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation" [PDF] [Github], Augmented Cyclic Consistency Regularization for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. Download the pretrained model from this link. [PDF] [Project] [PDF] [Github] Since the original resolution of DeepfashionHD is 750x1101, we use a Python script to process the images to the resolution 512x512. [PDF], Frequency Domain Image Translation: More Photo-realistic, Better Identity-preserving. Zeqi Li, Ruowei Jiang,, Parham Aarabi. [PDF] [Github] DGC-Net: Dense Geometric Correspondence Network This is a PyTorch implementation of our work "DGC-Net: Dense Geometric Correspondence Network" TL;DR A, Learnable Motion Coherence for Correspondence Pruning Yuan Liu, Lingjie Liu, Cheng Lin, Zhen Dong, Wenping Wang Project Page Any questions or discussi, MMNet This repo is the official implementation of ICCV 2021 paper "Multi-scale Matching Networks for Semantic Correspondence.". arxiv 2020. by We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the fine levels. When jointly trained with image translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an unsupervised manner, which in turn facilitates the exemplar-based image translation. [PDF] Aviv Gabbay, Yedid Hoshen. The images from distinct domains are first aligned to an intermediate domain where dense correspondence is established. [PDF] [Github], StyleGAN-NADA: CLIP-Guided Domain Adaptation of Image Generators. The inference results are saved in the folder checkpoints/deepfashionHD/test. ICPR 2020. [PDF], U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation. DivCo: Diverse Conditional Image Synthesis via Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network. [PDF], EDIT: Exemplar-Domain Aware Image-to-Image Translation. University of Science and Technology of China Abstract and Figures We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Tristan Bepler, Ellen Zhong, Kotaro Kelley, Edward Brignole, Bonnie Berger.*. Now the the directory structure is like: The inference results are saved in the folder checkpoints/deepfashionHD/test. Or Patashnik, Dov Danon, Hao Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or. (we used Pytorch 1.7.0 in our experiments). AAAI 2021. NeurIPS 2020. arxiv 2020. Pauliina Paavilainen, Saad Ullah Akram, Juho Kannala. When jointly trained with image [Github] [PDF], DTN: Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation. dataset/DeepFashionHD. When jointly trained with image translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an unsupervised manner, which in turn facilitates the exemplar-based image translation. Xinyang Li, Shengchuan Zhang, Jie Hu, Liujuan Cao, Xiaopeng Hong, Xudong Mao, Feiyue Huang, Yongjian Wu, Rongrong Ji. Baran Ozaydin, Tong Zhang, Sabine Susstrunk, Mathieu Salzmann. [PDF], FairfaceGAN: Fairness-aware Facial Image-to-Image Translation. UNIST: Unpaired Neural Implicit Shape Translation Network. Download the pretrained model from this link. Download the train-val lists from this link, and the retrival pair lists from this link. Go From the General to the Particular: Multi-Domain Translation with Domain Transformation Networks. Experiments on diverse translation tasks show that CoCosNet v2 performs considerably better than state-of-the-art literature on producing high-resolution images. [PDF] ICLR 2020. Yugang Chen, Muchun Chen, Chaoyue Song, Bingbing Ni. NeurIPS 2017. Andrs Romero, Pablo Arbelez, Luc Van Gool, Radu Timofte. For examp by each author's copyright. I2SB: Image-to-Image Schrdinger Bridge. [Github] [PDF], CycleGAN: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks. arixv 2020. Experiments on diverse translation tasks show our approach performs considerably better than state-of-the-arts on producing high-resolution images. [PDF], Translate the Facial Regions You Like Using Region-Wise Normalization. Omry Sendik, Dani Lischinski, Daniel Cohen-Or. arxiv 2020. [PDF] [PDF] Hao Tang, Dan Xu, Yan Yan, Jason J. Corso, Philip H.S. Learning to Cartoonize Using White-box Cartoon Representations. At each hierarchy, the correspondence can be efficiently computed via PatchMatch that iteratively leverages the . [PDF] [PDF], Pretraining is All You Need for Image-to-Image Translation. We use this model to calculate training loss. [PDF] [Github] [PDF] Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation." help us. Vector Quantized Image-to-Image Translation. Download them all and move below the folder data/. ICIP 2020. Dina Bashkirova, Ben Usman, Kate Saenko. Chuanxia Zheng, Tat-Jen Cham, Jianfei Cai. Move the models below the folder checkpoints/deepfashionHD. [PDF] AAAI 2019. [PDF] [Github], Single Image Texture Translation for Data Augmentation. [PDF] [Github] [Project], Preserving Semantic and Temporal Consistency for Unpaired Video-to-Video Translation. WHFL: Wavelet-Domain High Frequency Loss for Sketch-to-Image Translation. Mor Avi-Aharon, Assaf Arbelle, Tammy Riklin Raviv. Samet Hicsonmez, Nermin Samet, Emre Akbas, Pinar Duygulu. StarGAN v2: Diverse Image Synthesis for Multiple Domains. [PDF], DosGAN: Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. Bing Li, Yuanlue Zhu, Yitong Wang, Chia-Wen Lin, Bernard Ghanem, Linlin Shen. [PDF] [Github], Cascaded Cross MLP-Mixer GANs for Cross-View Image Translation. [PDF] [Project] [Github], Towards Automatic Face-to-Face Translation. [PDF] [PDF] [Project] [Github], Palette: Image-to-Image Diffusion Models. [PDF] We present a general framework for exemplar-based image . Qing Jin, Jian Ren, Oliver J. Woodford, Jiazhuo Wang, Geng Yuan, Yanzhi Wang, Sergey Tulyakov. [PDF] [Github], Exploiting Time-Series Image-to-Image Translation to Expand the Range of Wildlife Habitat Analysis. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, Yaxing Wang, Joost van de weijer, Lu Yu, Shangling Jui. CoCosNet: Cross-domain Correspondence Learning for Exemplar-based Image Translation. Download them all and move below the folder data/. Fabio Pizzati, Pietro Cerri, Raoul de Charette. Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that employs pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to give the user an immersive feel of a virtual world. 250cc dragon custom chopper arxiv 2020. arxiv 2021. arxiv 2020. SEMIT: Semi-supervised Learning for Few-shot Image-to-Image Translation. With a comprehensive array of features and a user-friendly platform, Monday aims to support teachers, directors, and students in delivering and receiving the best education possible. Zekang Chen, Jia Wei, Rui Li. ACM MM 2019. Chen Gao, Si Liu, Ran He, Shuicheng Yan, Bo Li. Qimin Chen, Johannes Merz, Aditya Sanghi, Hooman Shayani, Ali Mahdavi-Amiri, Hao (Richard) Zhang. Abstract: We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. Bibliographic details on CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation. WACV 2020. Yueqin Yin, Lianghua Huang, Yu Liu, Kaiqi Huang. NeurIPS 2017. arxiv 2020. Deep CG2Real: Synthetic-to-Real Translation via Image Disentanglement. [PDF], MatchGAN: A Self-Supervised Semi-Supervised Conditional Generative Adversarial Network. Tamar Rott Shaham, Michael Gharbi, Richard Zhang, Eli Shechtman, Tomer Michaeli. When jointly trained with image translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an unsupervised manner, which in turn facilitates the exemplar-based image translation. When jointly trained with image translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an unsupervised manner, which in turn facilitates the exemplar-based image translation. arxiv 2022. Then run the following command. markdown format: Oran Gafni, Lior Wolf. Detection. Jie Hu, Rongrong Ji, Hong Liu, Shengchuan Zhang, Cheng Deng, Qi Tian. [PDF] First, we propose a versatile image translation and manipulation framework which introduces a ranking and attention Scheme for bi-level feature alignment that greatly reduces the memory cost while building the correspondence between conditional inputs and exemplars. [PDF] We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the fine levels. [PDF] [Official Tensorflow] [Pytorch] [photo2cartoon] [Morph UGATIT]. [PDF] NeurIPS 2021. Ying-Cong Chen, Xiaogang Xu, Zhuotao Tian, Jiaya Jia. Flow-based Image-to-Image Translation with Feature Disentanglement. (oral) HiSD: Image-to-image Translation via Hierarchical Style Disentanglement. [PDF] Image-To-Image Translation via Group-Wise Deep Whitening-And-Coloring Transformation. Xihui Liu, Guojun Yin, Jing Shao, Xiaogang Wang, Hongsheng Li. Xiang Xu, Megha Nawhal, Greg Mori, Manolis Savva. Zhenliang He, Wangmeng Zuo, Meina Kan, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen. deepfashion_ref.txt, deepfashion_ref_test.txt and deepfashion_self_pair.txt are the paring lists used in our experiment. Semantic Image Manipulation Using Scene Graphs. [PDF] [GitHub] Learning Temporally and Semantically Consistent Unpaired Video-to-Video Translation through PseudoSupervision from Synthetic Optical Flow. arxiv 2021. Xinrui Wang and Jinze Yu. GANcraft: Unsupervised 3D Neural Rendering of Minecraft Worlds. Hanting Chen, Yunhe Wang, Han Shu, Changyuan Wen, Chunjing Xu, Boxin Shi, Chao Xu, Chang Xu. Monday is dedicated to providing the best educational project management solution. Yael Vinker, Eliahu Horwitz, Nir Zabari, Yedid Hoshen. Wei Xiong, Yutong He, Yixuan Zhang, Wenhan Luo, Lin Ma, Jiebo Luo. #art #artist #anime #cool #meatcanyon #hashtag #fyp. File "", line 21, in Wen Liu, Zhixin Piao, Jie Min, Wenhan Luo, Lin Ma, Shenghua Gao. [PDF], DCMIT: Unsupervised Multi-Domain Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation with Explicit Domain-Constrained Disentanglement. ICML 2017. Jianxin Lin, Yijun Wang, Zhibo Chen, Tianyu He. SIGGRAPH 2022. I'm planning a future in-depth post with an image processing/deep learning expert, where we'll be getting into the weeds Diagonal Attention and Style-based GAN for Content-Style Disentanglement in Image Generation and Translation. How can I correct errors in dblp? Experiments on diverse translation tasks show our approach STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network. Enjoy Your Editing: Controllable GANs for Image Editing via Latent Space Navigation. Contributing If you think I have missed out on something (or) have any suggestions (papers, implementations and other resources), feel free to pull a request. We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. arxiv 2022. Style-Guided and Disentangled Representation for Robust Image-to-Image Translation. BMVC 2021. Junsoo Lee, Eungyeup Kim, Yunsung Lee, Dongjun Kim, Jaehyuk Chang, Jaegul Choo. Shani Gamrian, Yoav Goldberg. Hao Tang, Dan Xu, Nicu Sebe, Yanzhi Wang, Jason J. Corso, Yan Yan. Gwanghyun Kim, Taesung Kwon, Jong Chul Ye. Wenqing Chu, Wei-Chih Hung, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Yu-Ting Chang, Yijun Li, Deng Cai, Ming-Hsuan Yang. [PDF] [Github] [Project] 0,00 full resolution correspondence learning for image translation . Zewei Sun, Shujian Huang, Hao-Ran Wei, Xin-yu Dai, Jiajun Chen. Kancharagunta Kishan Babu, Shiv Ram Dubey. [PDF] [Video] [Github] [PDF] [Github] [PDF] Weihao Xia, Yujiu Yang, Jing-Hao Xue. Unzip the file and rename it as img. [PDF], Bridging the Gap Between Paired and Unpaired Medical Image Translation. Yuanbin Fu, Jiayi Ma, Lin Ma, Xiaojie Guo. These CVPR 2021 papers are the Open Access versions, provided by the. Download the pretrained VGG model from this link, move it to vgg/ folder. arxiv 2021. Paper | Slides Abstract Daejin Kim, Mohammad Azam Khan, Jaegul Choo. Alessandro Simoni, Luca Bergamini, Andrea Palazzi, Simone Calderara, Rita Cucchiara. Cooper Nederhood, Nicholas Kolkin, Deqing Fu, Jason Salavon. Wonwoong Cho, Kangyeol Kim, Eungyeup Kim, Hyunwoo J. Kim, Jaegul Choo. [PDF] [arxiv] [project] Somi Jeong, Youngjung Kim, Eungbean Lee, Kwanghoon Sohn. [Project] [Github] [pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix] [PDF], BicycleGAN: Toward Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF][Project] [Unofficial] Unsupervised Multi-Modal Image Registration via Geometry Preserving Image-to-Image Translation. [Github] [PDF], DualGAN: Unsupervised Dual Learning for Image-to-Image Translation. Fleet, Mohammad Norouzi. Unsupervised Sketch-to-Photo Synthesis. Lei Zhao, Qihang Mo, Sihuan Lin, Zhizhong Wang, Zhiwen Zuo, Haibo Chen, Wei Xing, Dongming Lu. [accepted paper list] [PDF] [Supplementary PDF] [Github], CartoonRenderer: An Instance-based Multi-Style Cartoon Image Translator. [PDF] [Github], Semi-Supervised Image-to-Image Translation using Latent Space Mapping. Oren Katzir, Dani Lischinski, Daniel Cohen-Or. A Style-aware Discriminator for Controllable Image Translation. Aviv Gabbay, Yedid Hoshen. Kuniaki Saito, Kate Saenko, Ming-Yu Liu. Fabio Pizzati, Pietro Cerri, Raoul de Charette. DSI2I: Dense Style for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. TOG 2020. [PDF], Recapture as You Want. Face-to-Parameter Translation for Game Character Auto-Creation. Robin Rombach, Patrick Esser, Bjrn Ommer. Shaoan Xie, Qirong Ho, Kun Zhang. Omry Sendik, Dani Lischinski, Daniel Cohen-Or. [PDF] Kai Ye, Yinru Ye, Minqiang Yang, Bin Hu. dataloader = data.create_dataloader(opt) [PDF] FUNIT: Few-Shot Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF] pages = {11465-11475} Ming-Yu Liu, Thomas Breuel, Jan Kautz. [PDF] [Github] Experiments on diverse translation tasks show that CoCosNet v2 performs considerably better than state-of-the-art literature on producing high-resolution images. [PDF], Few-shot Semantic Image Synthesis Using StyleGAN Prior. We propose to jointly learn the cross domain correspondence and the image translation, where both tasks facilitate each other and thus can be learned with weak supervision. [PDF][Github] Xiaokang Zhang, Yuanlue Zhu, Wenting Chen, Wenshuang Liu, Linlin Shen. Model-based Occlusion Disentanglement for Image-to-image Translation. Abstract We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. Yuan Xue, Zihan Zhou, Xiaolei Huang. [PDF], ITTR: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation with Transformers. author = {Zhou, Xingran and Zhang, Bo and Zhang, Ting and Zhang, Pan and Bao, Jianmin and Chen, Dong and Zhang, Zhongfei and Wen, Fang}, [PDF] Note you need to download our train-val split lists train.txt and val.txt from this link in this step. [PDF], OT-CycleGAN: Guiding the One-to-one Mapping in CycleGAN via Optimal Transport. hey when i train the model from random weights during the training i can see some results ( every N epochs) when i run with the new trained models the predictions is white background no image at all, hithans for your work,but when I torch.load() The proposed CoCosNet v2, a GRU-assisted PatchMatch approach, is fully differentiable and highly efficient. Exploring Patch-Wise Semantic Relation for Contrastive Learning in Image-to-Image Translation Tasks. Lijie Fan, Wenbing Huang, Chuang Gan, Junzhou Huang, Boqing Gong. 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