155173, at p.157. Everyone says Othello is lucky to wed the daughter of the rich Brabantio, except Othello. These two versions also differ from each other in their readings of numerous words. What is the setting at the start of the play? [111] Iago was Kenneth Branagh in his first outing as a screen villain. Who is Brabantio And why does Iago try to turn him against Othello? 633644, at p.642. Roderigo believes Iago because he truly wants to believe him. In a fit of jealous rage, Othello smothers Desdemona who he believes has been having sex with Cassio. Add Yours. Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. What is Roderigo's reaction to the events involving Othello? Marsden, Jean I "Improving Shakespeare: from the Restoration to Garrick" in Wells, Stanley and Siddons, Sarah (eds.) . "The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage", Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. A senator in Venice and Desdemona 's father. Othello was also one of the twenty plays performed by the King's Men during the winter of 1612, in celebration of the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Frederick V, Elector Palatine. 492507 from. Othello won't question if Iago actually tells the truth or not. [130], The play has been a popular source for opera. [36], The title role was originally played by Richard Burbage, whose eulogies reveal that he was admired in the role. Cassio, distraught, is then persuaded by Iago to ask Desdemona to persuade her husband to reinstate him. "The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage", Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. / They are all but stomachs, and we all but food. Lodovico appoints Cassio as Othello's successor and exhorts him to punish Iago justly. Gillies, 2008, p.271 (in turn citing the 1982 reprint of.
Othello: Iago Quotes | SparkNotes [119] A British TV adaptation by Andrew Davies, screened in 2001, re-set the story among senior officers of the Metropolitan Police. [69], In 1947, Kenneth Tynan saw Frederick Valk and Donald Wolfit play Othello and Iago respectively, and described the experience as equivalent to witnessing the Chicago Fire, the Quetta Earthquake or the Hiroshima Bomb. Lester and Kinnear shared Evening Standard Theatre Award for Best Actor[77] and Kinnear won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor. Passers-by arrive to help; Iago joins them, pretending to help Cassio. Iago say, "I am not what I am". Last updated by jill d #170087 on 2/12/2015 5:04 AM . Othello repents of his fit of temper that has caused him to kill his beloved wife. 3. eNotes Editorial, 1 June 2011, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/who-does-iago-tell-othello-badmouthed-him-261511. On the other hand, F. R. Leavis describes Othello as "egotistical". [73], A "singular and idiosyncratic"[74] performance of a white actor in the central role was Jude Kelly's "photonegative" production for the Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, D.C. in 1997, in which Patrick Stewart played Othello as white, while almost all other speaking parts were played by actors of African descent.[75]. Iago convinces Roderigo to kill Cassio, but Cassio is only wounded. Cassio asks the clown to entreat Emilia to come to speak with him so that he can ask her for access to Desdemona. By telling Othello that Brabantio has been talking negatively about him behind his back, Iago tries to gain Othello's trust so when he puts his plan into action. 2011, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/who-does-iago-tell-othello-badmouthed-him-254458. There is no consensus over Othello's ethnic origin. [31] Thomas M. Vozar, in a 2012 article in Philosophy and Literature, suggests that the epileptic seizure relates to the mindbody problem and the existence of the soul. Kauna unahang parabula na inilimbag sa bhutan? 24. [34] Subsequent performances took place on Monday, 30 April 1610 at the Globe Theatre, and at Oxford in September 1610. "An Oxford Guide: Shakespeare", Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. [128], The Willow Song, sung by Desdemona in Act 4 Scene 3,[129] is not an original creation of Shakespeare's, but was already a well-known ballad. One by one they were all becoming shades. Printed by N. O. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. While there Brabantio tells the Duke that his daughter is marrying a black man. ), White actors continued to dominate the role until the 1980s. What is the reason Iago gives Roderigo for his hatred of Othello? Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Who does Iago tell Othello badmouthed him to Brabantio? Why? By emphasizing Roderigo's failed bid for Desdemona, and his own dissatisfaction with serving under Othello, Iago convinces Roderigo to wake Brabantio, Desdemona's father, and tell him about his daughter's elopement. Hoenselaars, Ton "Shakespeare and Translation" in Wells, Stanley and Orlin, Lena Cowen (eds.) Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. In My Life in Art, Stanislavski recalls Salvini's scene before the Senate, saying that the actor "grasped all of us in his palm, and held us there as if we were ants or flies". Othello proceeds to make Desdemona's life miserable and strikes her in front of visiting Venetian nobles. When Othello mentions the handkerchief as proof, Emilia realizes what Iago has done, and she exposes him. Iago. Gillies, 2008, pp. Othello sends his servant, a clown, to tell the musicians to go away. The other possibility is Roderigo. buttercream frosting for ice cream cake; dentist that accept buckeye insurance near me; who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio? When Ellen Terry played Desdemona she commented on how much Booth's style helped her: "It is difficult to preserve the simple, heroic blindness of Desdemona to the fact that her lord mistrusts her, if her lord is raving and stamping under her nose. Show all. Othello is referred to as a "Barbary horse" (1.1.113) and a "lascivious Moor" (1.1.127). During the scuffle, Iago comes from behind Cassio and badly cuts his leg. Trash Talking To use the vernacular, trash talking has been present since the beginning of speech. [106] Subsequent critics have been less sympathetic to Olivier's performance than his contemporary audience had been, tending to read it as racist. For knowledge of this, Shakespeare may have used Gasparo Contarini's The Commonwealth and Government of Venice, in Lewes Lewkenor's 1599 translation. Desdemona was attracted by Othello because of his life experience and stories of his past that he would tell her when Brabantio, her father invited him to dinners. Brabantio has no option but to accompany Othello to the Duke's residence, where he accuses Othello of seducing Desdemona by witchcraft. Last updated by jill d #170087 on 2/12/2015 4:53 AM Log in here. Desdemona and Iago. Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale? It was a moment of great pride."[67]. This leads to them fighting one another and Montano being injured. Scenes in the final movie were sometimes spliced together from one actor filmed in Italy in one year, and another actor filmed in Morocco the next. [100] Yutkevitch had begun his career as a painter and then as a set designer, and his film was widely praised for its pictorial beauty. [12] An English translation by John Pory appeared in 1600 under the title A Geographical Historie of Africa, Written in Arabicke and Italian by Iohn Leo a More in which form Shakespeare may have seen it and reworked hints[further explanation needed] in creating the character of Othello. Emilia, unaware of what Iago plans to do with the handkerchief, steals it. Cassio, Iago and others arrive at the scene of Desdemona's murder. [22], Michael Neill, editor of an Oxford edition, notes that the earliest critical references to Othello's colour (Thomas Rymer's 1693 critique of the play, and the 1709 engraving in Nicholas Rowe's edition of Shakespeare) assume him to be Sub-Saharan, while the earliest known North African interpretation was not until Edmund Kean's production of 1814. Then a Senator asks Othello is it is true. Roderigo unsuccessfully attacks Cassio in the street after Cassio leaves Bianca's lodgings, as Cassio wounds Roderigo.
Othello: Act 1 Review Flashcards | Chegg.com "In Othello, why does Iago tell Othello that Brabantio badmouthed him?" Brode, Douglas "Shakespeare in the Movies - From the Silent Era to Today" Oxford University Press, 2000, pp.167-168. He says there is no law saying that Desdemona and Othello cannot get married so it is totally okay.
In Othello, why does Iago tell Othello that Brabantio badmouthed him Greenhall, Susanne and Shaughnessy, Robert "Our Shakespeares: British Television and the Strains of Multiculturalism" in Burnett, Mark Thornton and Wray, Ramona (eds.)
Character analysis: Iago in Othello | The British Library [5], Othello is an adaptation of the Italian writer Cinthio's tale "Un Capitano Moro" ("A Moorish Captain") from his Gli Hecatommithi (1565), a collection of one hundred tales in the style of Boccaccio's Decameron. Brabantio took it to the Duke and the Duke said there was nothing wrong. Roderigo is jealous that Desdemona wanted to marry Othello and not himself, he doesn't know what to do when he finds out that they are married. He has recently married Desdemona, a beautiful and wealthy Venetian lady much younger than himself, against the wishes of her father. [95] And Richard Eyre's Stage Beauty depicts a restoration performance of the play. Emilia. Cassio. Enraged and hurt, Othello decides he is going to kill his wife and Iago offers to kill Cassio. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Select Page. [1][2] The play was entered into the Register of the Stationers Company on 6 October 1621, by Thomas Walkley, and was first published in quarto format by him in 1622: Tragdy of Othello, The Moore of Venice. He was dissatisfied with his own performance, later recalling "I was able to reach nothing more than insane strain, spiritual and physical impotence, and the squeezing of tragic emotion out of myself. Brabantio arrives and accuses Othello of seducing Desdemona by witchcraft, but Othello defends himself successfully before an assembly that includes the Duke of Venice, Brabantio's kinsman Lodovico and Gratiano, and various senators, explaining that Desdemona became enamored of him for the stories he told of his early life.By order of the Duke, Othello leaves Venice to command the Venetian armies against invading Turks on the island of Cyprus, accompanied by his new wife, his new lieutenant Cassio, his ensign Iago, and Emilia as Desdemona's attendant.The party arrives in Cyprus to find that a storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet. Who will be bringing desdemona to othello after he leaves for the war?
Othello Notes (Notes on every Act_Quotes).pdf - OTHELLO The party arrives in Cyprus to find that a storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet. 7577. Othello, belatedly realising Desdemona's innocence, stabs Iago (but not fatally), saying that Iago is a devil, but not before the latter stabs Emilia to death in the scuffle. [93] This plot is also shared by the very first Othello-influenced film: the 18-minute Danish 1911 Desdemona. As such it has surviving arrangements from both before and after Shakespeare's time. Latest answer posted April 07, 2021 at 11:18:50 AM. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Asked by lupita g #405696 8 years ago 2/11/2015 8:49 PM. He stayed with his retinue in London for several months and occasioned much discussion.
Othello questions Flashcards | Quizlet Reading Questions for Othello B.
Iago And Brabantio In Shakespeare's Othello - 1496 Words | Cram What does the inscription on the small brick tablet prompt the speaker to wonder in lines 9129-12912?
Othello - Wikipedia What connotations contribute to the feelings of loss and entrapment in the following passage from The Dead? Roderigo calls Othello "the thicklips", which seems to refer to Sub-Saharan African physiognomy, but Honigmann counters that, as these comments are all intended as insults by the characters, they need not be taken literally. "[3] Scholars differ in their explanation of these differences, and no consensus has emerged. He is a Venetian senator and the father of Desdemona. Answers: 1. Othello proceeds to make Desdemona's life a misery, hitting her in front of her family. Officers, Gentlemen, Messenger, Herald, Attendants, Musicians, etc. "A Feminist Companion to Shakespeare" Blackwell Publishers Limited, 2001, pp.226-247 at p.226.
Why did iago leave roderigo at brabantio house? - Answers The UK's National Film and Television Archive holds over 25 20th-Century films containing performances, adaptations or extracts from Othello including Anson Dyer's 1920 animated Othello, 1921's Carnival and its 1932 remake, the 1922 German film The Moor, the 1936 Men Are Not Gods, 1941's East of Piccadilly, George Cukor's 1947 A Double Life, Orson Welles in Return to Glennascaul and Welles' own Othello, Sergei Yutkevich's Russian language Othello discussed below, two productions for BBC Television (including Jonathan Miller's for the BBC Television Shakespeare series, discussed below), Basil Dearden's All Night Long, Janet Suzman's 1988 South African TV Othello, a film of Trevor Nunn's RSC production with Willard White and Ian McKellen in the central roles, and True Identity - a crime caper in which Lenny Henry's character Miles lands the role of understudy to James Earl Jones (playing himself) in a production of Othello. As such, "undesirable" qualities such as cruelty, treachery, jealousy and libidinousness were seen as qualities possessed by "the other". Go sell his assets & get money, so he will be ready when desdemona tires of othello [6] No English translation of Cinthio was available in Shakespeare's lifetime, and verbal echoes in Othello are closer to the Italian original than to Gabriel Chappuys'[fr] 1584 French translation. What is the meaning of the following quote from Shakespeare's play Othello? Hiscalm response to Iago's speech ('Tis better as it is'), forces the audience to re-assess the unflattering impressions they have been given by what has been said about him so far in the play. loon rapper daughter; high school for environmental studies ceeb code; original lynyrd skynyrd members still alive No because Othello is the best general they have. McKernan, Luke and Terris, Olwen (eds.) If Iago had told Othello right out that they were having an This way it does not become a credibility issue between her insistence might later be misinterpreted by Othello. [7] Cinthio's tale has been described as a "partly racist warning" about the dangers of miscegenation. In the following paragraphs, identify the part of speech of each underlined word by writing above it N for noun, ADJ for adjective, PREP for preposition, PRON for pronoun, ADV for adverb, CONJ for conjunction, V for verb, or INTJ for interjection. "An Oxford Guide: Shakespeare". [109][110] Swiss actress Irne Jacob as Desdemona struggled with the verse, as did Laurence Fishburne, more experienced in expletive-ridden thriller roles, as Othello. Why might Shakespeare choose to begin Othello in the middle of a conversation between Iago and Roderigo? [117] The play was abridged to 30 minutes by Leon Garfield, and produced with cel animation for the TV series Shakespeare: The Animated Tales. "Walking Shadows: Shakespeare in the National Film and Television Archive" British Film Institute, 1994 pp.119-131. As it hath beene diuerse times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by his Maiesties Seruants. "The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare and Popular Culture", Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. Marsden, p.21. charles schwab ac144; quel aliment pour avoir des jumeaux; lesser lodge catskills. they tell him that her consent was quite unforced. Already a member? Iago tells Brabantio that "an old black ram / is tupping your white ewe" (1.1.88). and Cassio stabbed him. Except where otherwise stated, references to the play. Taylor, Gary "Shakespeare Plays on Renaissance Stages" in Wells, Stanley and Stanton, Sarah (eds.) [80][81], In June 2016, baritone and actor David Serero played the title role in a Moroccan adaptation featuring Judeo-Arabic songs and Verdi's opera version in New York.
Othello, Act 1, scene 2 | The Folger SHAKESPEARE [64] Margaret Webster's 1943 Broadway production was considered a theatrical landmark, with Robeson (in the words of Howard Barnes) "making the Moor the great and terrible figure of tragedy which he has so rarely been on the stage. What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe.
Who does Iago tell that Othello badmouthed him to Brabantio? Cinthio's tale may have been based on an actual incident occurring in Venice about 1508. (eds.) Roderigo openly insults Othello to Brabantio ('gross clasps of a lascivious Moor'), whereas Brabantio's anger, at least at that point, was directed more against his daughter ('O she deceives me/ Past thought!').
All Questions and Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver o What does Iago tell Othello about Venetian women and why does he remind him of . by . eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. leg. The identity of the 'him' is a little ambiguous. [127] Othello has been performed on at least twelve separate occasions on BBC Radio. Rodergio wakes up Brabantio, her father, with news that his house has been robbed. He is angry that his daughter slipped away during the night to get married; he is angry that she married a Moor and not one of the curled darlings of her nation.. Iago knowing Cassio being alive was not
who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio? and He was first played by a black man on the London stage in 1833 by the most important of the nineteenth-century Othellos, the African American Ira Aldridge who had been forced to leave his home country to make his career. The other possibility is Roderigo. (1.1.) Albanese, Denise "Black and White and Dread All Over: The Shakespeare Theatre's "Photonegative" Othello and the Body of Desdemona" in Callaghan, Dympna (ed.) Roderigo wants desdemona. Iago and Rodrigo waited outside a brothel where honolulu police department records; spiritual meaning of the name ashley; mississippi election results 2021; charlie spring and nick nelson Though the actual racial definition of the term is murky, the implications are religious as well as racial. What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe? OTHELLO O, blood, blood, blood! his travels, journeys, and experiences in war. In Elizabethan discourse, the word "black" could suggest various concepts that extended beyond the physical colour of skin, including a wide range of negative connotations. It makes the audience unwilling co-conspirators. Gross, John "Shakespeare's Influence" in Wells, Stanley and Orlin, Lena Cowen (Eds.) It could be Brabantio, as Iago is making a show of warning Othello about Brabantio's anger at Othello and Desdemona's elopement and marriage. Lodovico, a Venetian nobleman, apprehends both Iago and Othello, but Othello commits suicide with a dagger before they can take him into custody. Iago had also from the beginning of the play been paid by Some of these cluster together in quite extensive passages. Sex and Sexual Stories in Othello, Iago's Alter Ego: Race as Projection in Othello, That's She That Was Myself: Not-So-Famous Last Words and Some Ends of Othello, The Adaptation of a Shakespearean Genre: Othello and Ford's 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, Theatricality and Textuality: The Example of Othello, Voice Potential: Language and Symbolic Capital in Othello, Act III, Scenes 1-4 Questions and Answers, Explain this quote from act 1, scene 3 ofOthello: "Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see: she has deceived her father and may thee.". 2. By order of the Duke, Othello leaves Venice to command the Venetian armies against invading Turks on the island of Cyprus, accompanied by his new wife, his new lieutenant Cassio, his ensign Iago, and Iago's wife, Emilia, as Desdemona's attendant. [71] (The filmed version of this production is discussed under "Screen" below. Othello stabs Iago but only wounds him. [33], Othello possesses an unusually detailed performance record. Cinthio drew a moral (which he placed in the mouth of Desdemona) that it is unwise for European women to marry the temperamental men of other nations. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. Emilia calls for help. Last updated by Aslan on 2/12/2015 6:22 AM Othello What is effective in Othello's first speech of Justification lines 76-94? Greenhalgh, Susanne "Shakespeare Overheard: Performances, Adaptations, and Citations on Radio" in Shaughnessy, Robert (ed.) Earle Hyman interviewed by Michael A. Morrison 9 April 1999 cited in Morrison, 2002, p.252. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. "Nude Shakespeare in Film and Nineties Popular Feminism" in Alexander, Catherine M. S. and Wells, Stanley "Shakespeare and Sexuality" Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp.183-200 at pp.190-192. How many nieces and nephew luther vandross have? [63] Robeson had previously played the role in London in 1930 with a cast including Peggy Ashcroft, Sybil Thorndike and Ralph Richardson, and would later take the role for the RSC in 1959 at Stratford-Upon-Avon. 3132, 7172.
"Tis not a year or two shows us a man. As it happens, Cassio is courting a courtesan named Bianca. The Governor arrives, with Iago and others, and Emilia begins to explain the situation. [28], A vital component of the Protestant Reformation was the establishment among the general public of the importance of "pious, controlled behaviour". The Duke tells Brabantio that his(Brabantios) saying that Othello used drugs as charms on his daughter is not proof of it. How did Roderigo react at the end of Act 1, when he realised he had lost Desdemona? While Shakespeare's play was written only a few years afterwards, Honigmann questions the view that ben Messaoud himself was a significant influence on it. Iago helps Cassio arrange a secret meeting with Desdemona. Latest answer posted February 06, 2021 at 2:05:38 PM. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. [50] Leigh Hunt saw Kean's Othello in 1819, describing his performance in The Examiner as "the masterpiece of the living stage". journey aaron becker planning; quorum of the twelve apostles ages. Iago is upset with Othello for promoting a younger man named Michael Cassio above him, and tells Roderigo that he plans to use Othello for his own advantage. 230258, at p.232.
who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio? He is devastated and decides that he wants nothing to do with Desdemona anymore and disowns her for deceiving him. The first certainly known performance occurred on 1 November 1604, at Whitehall Palace in London, being mentioned in a Revels account on "Hallamas Day, being the first of Nouembar", 1604, when "the Kings Maiesties plaiers" performed "A Play in the Banketinge house at Whit Hall Called The Moor of Venis".
All Questions and Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver Iago asks Emilia to steal it. / They eat us hungrily, and eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. They are telling Brabantio this to get him to dislike Othello and start to tear down Othello and Brabantio's reputations. Othello would probably believe Desdemona. Honigmann and Thompson, 2016, pp. Brabantio is Desdemonas father. "[19][20] Various uses of the word black (for example, "Haply for I am black") are insufficient evidence for any accurate racial classification, Honigmann argues, since black could simply mean swarthy to Elizabethans. [44] Othello was not adapted in this way, although it has often been cut to conform to current ideas of decorum or refinement. [141], This article is about the Shakespeare tragedy. Answers: 1. I follow him to serve my turn upon him. Iago (ee-ah-go) is a deviously sly soldier in Othello's army; he is jealous and bitter and wants to destroy Othello, because Othello has chosen Cassio to be his lieutenant instead of. When Othello mentions the handkerchief as proof, Emilia realizes what Iago has done; she exposes him, whereupon Iago kills her. [98] The film was critically panned on its 1955 release (headlines included "Mr Welles Murders Shakespeare in the Dark" and "The Boor of Venice") but was acclaimed as a classic upon its re-release in a restored version in 1992. His Othello was called by Harold Hobson of the Sunday Times "the best Othello of our time",[68] continuing: nobler than Tearle, more martial than Gielgud, more poetic than Valk. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. [94] All Night Long reframes the story in a jazz milieu. "[61], In 1930 Stanislavski directed a production of Othello for the Moscow Art Theatre, which was influential in the development of his system. "The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage" Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. Rodrigo to help him get Desdemona. Roderigo is a disappointed suitor of Desdemona. Brabantio doesnt want Desdemona to marry Othello because he is racist. -protagonist
Othello Questions MEMO - OTHELLO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ACT 1 SCENE 1 o [29], The title "Moor" implies a religious "other" of North African or Middle Eastern descent. 24. Why might Shakespeare choose to begin Othello in the middle of a conversation between Iago and Roderigo? Othello begs Cassio to forgive him for his unfounded jealousy, which he does. "Othello" The Arden Shakespeare, Third Series Revised Edition, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 2016, p.28. W. H. Auden, for example, observed that "any consideration of [the play] must be primarily occupied, not with its official hero, but with its villain". This attracted [122], In the 19th-Century United States, Othello was often used in parody, sometimes allied with minstrel shows: with the contrast between Shakespearean verse and African-American dialect a source of racist humour. Othello use magic to get her. Everyone says Othello is lucky to wed the daughter of the rich Brabantio, except Othello. The stage production is discussed in the section "20th Century" above. Iago (ee-ah-go) is a deviously sly soldier in Othello's army; he is jealous and bitter and wants to destroy Othello, because Othello has chosen Cassio to be his lieutenant instead of choosing Iago. Why is he not impressed? What is the Duke's reaction to the events involving Othello? OTHELLO Never, [Iago. [139] In it the characters of Tortzov, the director, and Kostya, the young actor, both partly autobiographical, rehearse the role of Othello in the opening act.
Who was Brabantio in Othello? - KnowledgeBurrow.com Latest answer posted June 04, 2021 at 12:33:31 AM. Everyone comes back to life and bows to the audience, who are weeping and applauding. What are the answers to studies weekly week 26 social studies?
Why does Iago tell Othello badmouthed him to brabantio? Iago schemes to use Cassio to ruin Othello and takes the opportunity of Othello's absence at the celebration to persuade Roderigo to engage Cassio in a fight. Who does Iago tell Othello badmouthed him to brabantio? 2. Iago says this line to Roderigo at the start of the play as he explains that he secretly hates Othello and is plotting against him. [21], However, Jyotsna Singh wrote that the opposition of Brabantio to Desdemona marrying Othello a respected and honoured general cannot make sense except in racial terms, citing the scene where Brabantio accuses Othello of using witchcraft to make his daughter fall in love with him, saying it is "unnatural" for Desdemona to desire Othello's "sooty bosom".