uk foreign aid budget by country list

'Opaque' aid spending short-changing poorest countries, say MPs DEFRAs ODA spend delivers against international climate, biodiversity and development objectives. Canada - Unlike other countries, Canada has taken a unique feminist approach. Economic Infrastructure and Services - 1,195 million (11.7%). Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). Japan has publicly committed to using the official development assistance (ODA) for guidance in future development. , Finalised figures for DAC members will be published in December 2020, therefore we are using provisional figures in this chapter. To give users an understanding of the impact of the changes implemented in Blue Book 2019, the UK GNI measured on the new GDP framework leads to an ODA:GNI ratio of 0.70% in 2019, compared to 0.70% on the pre-Blue Book 2019 level. In comparison, Norways ODA spend (3.4bn) was roughly an eighth of the United States but its ODA:GNI ratio was 1.02% showing that Norway spends a larger share of its national income on ODA. Figure 18 shows the top 15 recipient countries of total ODA from the DAC donor countries in 2018 and the UKs share of ODA in these recipient countries. Ukrainian troops have liberated nearly 30,000 square miles of their territory from Russian forces since the invasion began on Feb. 24, 2022, but Putin appears to be . Education (for compulsory school age) and healthcare for asylum seekers based in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In 2019, non-DFID ODA contributors spent 699 million in Asia, accounting for 44.8% of their total spend. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Compared with 2015, the percentage share of DFIDs region-specific bilateral ODA received by Africa has slightly decreased (by 3.3 percentage points) and the share received by Asia has slightly increased (by 2.2 percentage points). Italy is the lowest performing G7 country in the rankings at number 20 while the US, where the administration is reviewing US aid priorities, ranks at number nine. The Central Emergency Response Fund is now in the top 5 recipients of UK multilateral ODA, DFID also provided the majority of the UKs core multilateral ODA, accounting for 81.9% (4,043m), a decrease on 2018 when DFID accounted for 85.5% (4,544m), BEIS was the largest non-DFID department to provide core multilateral ODA in 2019, accounting for 3.4% (167m), this includes their core contribution to the Clean Technology Fund (166.5m), over the last 5 years, the share of UK core funding to multilateral organisations from non-DFID contributors has fallen from 21.6% (967m) in 2015 to 18.1% (896m) in 2019. The users represent the government, civil society and non-government organisations, students and academia and the media. Note that provisional 2019 spend from other DAC donors is used in this chart. The top 3 spending sectors in this area were Public Sector Policy and Administrative Management (217m), Civilian Peace-Building, Conflict Prevention and Resolution (199m) and Media and free flow of information (119m). List of development aid sovereign state donors - Wikipedia In the most recent three years for which data are available, UK aid spending per refugee in the UK almost tripled, increasing from 6,700 per capita in 2019 to 21,700 per capita in 2021. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. These are extracted from DFIDs ARIES database, and the detailed data is subject to input errors from spending teams. The estimate for the UKs EU attribution in 2019 was 983 million compared to 951 million in 2018, EU attribution fluctuates from year to year because the EU works on a 7 year programming cycle and so EU disbursements in a given year can vary. ODA allocation was 14.5 billion in 2020. This was part of a UN pact including another 30 wealthy countries such as the United States, Japan, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. The UK's 2022 aid strategy - House of Commons Library Since 1970, the UN has set a target for donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their GNI to foreign aid. by bilateral through multilateral ODA (earmarked funding) and core contributions to multilateral organisations (un-earmarked funding). The ONS will release further updates of GNI throughout the year. View the full fiscal year 2021 Congressional Budget Justification: Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs [6 MB] | State and USAID Appendix 1 [7 MB] | State and USAID Appendix 2 [18 MB . Multilateral funding, by Government Departments and other contributors[footnote 20]. Where a multilateral organisation does not report to the DAC but the multilateral is only mandated to work in a particular country, region or sector, we allocate all of its core contributions to the relevant country, region or sector. Funding on research activities increased by 90 million while spending on climate-related programmes increased by 20 million, the Cross-Government Prosperity Fund spent 176 million of ODA in 2019, this was an increase of 83 million, or 88.3%, on 2018. If you require any other data or information, or if you have any thoughts about how to improve the publication, please contact the statistics team at: For example, DFID contributed 112 million to the Global Partnership for Education, a multilateral organisation supporting close to 70 developing countries to ensure that every child receives a quality basic education, 11.8% was classed as Other, which includes Other Technical Assistance and Basket Funds. Africa has consistently been the largest recipient of DFID region-specific ODA since 2010, with a share of 56.4% in 2019 (see Figure 10A), By contrast, the largest recipient of non-DFID region-specific ODA tends to be Asia (Figure 10B). Income groups: DFID - non-DFID comparison 2019, Figure 9: Breakdown of country-specific bilateral ODA by Income Group, 2019. Luxembourg made the largest contribution as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) at 1.05% and . The UK's foreign aid budget is being "raided" by the Home Office to cover the costs of hotel accommodation for refugees, a committee of MPs has claimed. This was an increase of 101 million compared to 2018. The estimates for 2018 can be found in our published Table A9 and A10. Other major changes in top 10 country-specific rankings, Figure 7: Rank of top 10 recipients of country-specific 2019 UK bilateral ODA. Top 5 country-specific recipients of UK ODA, Figure 6: Top 5 country-specific bilateral ODA recipients, 2009-2019. Ireland and Norway complete the top five nations in the index. Spend to these countries accounted for 17.9% of total country-specific UK bilateral ODA, Pakistan has remained the top recipient of UK bilateral ODA for the fifth consecutive year. Nigeria (US$359 million), South Sudan (US$288 . This is similar to 2017, of the 5 countries receiving the greatest amount of total DAC donor ODA (Afghanistan, Syria, India, Bangladesh and Ethiopia), three (Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Syria) were among the top five recipients of UK ODA. Other Government Departments spent 3,398 million of ODA in 2019, increasing by 434 million on 2018, Home Office spent 452 million of ODA in 2019, an increase of 115 million, or 34.0%, on 2018. , From 2018 onwards, Official Development Assistance (ODA) has changed from being measured on a cash basis to a grant equivalent basis, following a decision taken by the DAC in 2014. This is an increase in spend (5,659m in 2018) but a decrease in terms of percentage share from 2018 (61.3% in 2018). A full micro-dataset is also available in Open Data Standard format on the Statistics on International Development webpage. Highlighted countries are those in receipt of UK bilateral ODA, and colours are based on amount received (dark blue=higher amounts UK Bilateral ODA received, light blue=lower amounts UK Bilateral ODA received). The UK was spending approximately 0.43 percent on foreign aid a decade ago and 0.57 as recently as 2012. It comes after Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab set out the allocations for UK ODA spending for 2021-22 to MPs, with the government acting on its decision to cut the UK's annual foreign aid . Core contributions to multilateral organisations: A full breakdown of UK ODA by Government Department and Other Contributors of UK ODA and delivery channel in 2015, 2018 and 2019 is available online in Table 10. Where does the UK's foreign aid money go and how does it - ITV News Figure 4 legend: UK bilateral ODA by receiving region ( millions), 2009 2019. Section 3 - sectoral data on education, health and water supply & sanitation plus general data on other sectors. Foreign aid budget 'raided' by Home Office to pay for refugee hotels UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) spend was 15,197 million, an increase of 645 million (4.4% increase) on 2018, UK bilateral ODA spend was 10,258 million (67.5% of total UK ODA) while UK core funding to multilaterals was 4,939 million (32.5% of total UK ODA), DFID spent 11,107 million of ODA in 2019. The remaining top recipients of UK ODA were Pakistan and Nigeria, Afghanistan remains the largest recipient of DAC country members ODA totalling 2.7 billion in 2018. Private spending or donations made to support developing countries, for example by the public, the voluntary sector or through remittances, are not part of the ODA definition and not covered in this publication. What every American should know about US foreign aid - Brookings In particular, DFIDs bilateral ODA spend increased by 711 million, to 7,064 million in 2019. See SID 2018 p.35 case study for more information on Developing Country Unspecified spend. , z is not applicable, 0 is null and ~ is less than half the smallest unit displayed. The percentage share of total bilateral ODA of the five largest sectors in 2019 was 66.3%, a slight increase from 2018 (67.8%). In-donor spend on support to asylum seekers and the resettlement of vulnerable people. Note, percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding. For further information on development issues and FCDO policies, please contact the Public Enquiry Point on 020 7008 5000. Dark blue = Pakistan, light blue = Ethiopia, grey = Afghanistan, pink = Yemen, teal = Nigeria. For example, delivering family planning services across Malawi through an NGO, 4,939 million of UK ODA spend was delivered through core contributions to multilateral organisations. Provision of technical assistance in tax policy and administration issues to support the strengthening of tax systems in developing countries. This information is primarily inputted by spending teams in DFID country offices and central departments, with some quality assurance carried out at input and centrally to ensure that spend is in line with OECD definitions of ODA ii) Other Government Departments and contributors some of which have similar databases to record ODA transaction data. What is the UK's overseas aid budget? As part of this, other government departments will provide project-level data which will have codes that allocate for each project: sectors, delivery partner, type of aid and other key variables. Through its donor contributions, IDA aims to reduce poverty by providing concessional loans and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve peoples living condition. 2019: Bilateral ODA to Africa increased by 125 million from 2,863 million in 2018 to 2,989 million in 2019, increasing by 4.4% (Figure 4). To get a sense of relative magnitude, Russian disbursements in 2015 amounted to roughly half of Italian aid that year. In 2016, the UK spent 13.4 billion on overseas aid, in line with the 0.7% target. As outlined above, these include programmes where there are designated benefitting countries or regions, but it is not possible to directly assign exact spend to them in the current administrative system, 22.0% of spend within this category consists of expenditure in the UK or another donor country (e.g. The President's Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Budget Request for the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is $60.4 billion, which includes $29.4 billion for USAID fully and partially managed accounts, $1.7 billion (6 percent) above the FY 2022 Request. In 2020, the most recent year for which the data is complete, military aid accounted for 23% of all foreign aid spending - the smallest share since 2004 - while economic assistance accounted . The size of the circles corresponds to the total amount of ODA spent in each country sector. UK ODA spend includes DFID spend, ODA spend by government departments other than DFID and other sources of ODA (such as EU attribution and Gift Aid). Figure 15 legend: Comparison of sector spend for 2019 UK bilateral ODA between countries of different income groups ( million). ODA spend allocated to Africa increased by 125 million increase in 2019 to 2,989 million, whilst the percentage share remained similar to the share in 2018 (50.6%), (Figure 4). This reflects that core contributions to multilaterals, are in general, based on multi-year commitments which may not be uniformly spread across years, 10,258 million of UK ODA spend was delivered through bilateral channels. By . For now, we're looking at 2021 spending solely by economic aid. Its activities include, among others, primary education, basic health services, clean water and sanitation, agriculture, business climate improvements, infrastructure, and institutional reforms. Figure 15 summarises the differences in the main sectors of 2019 UK bilateral ODA spend between countries of different income groups. In 2021, the United States budgeted $38 billion for foreign aid spending. , Iraq = 5 per cent; India = 5 per cent; Indonesia = 2 per cent. Foreign aid budget 'raided' by Home Office to pay for refugee hotels The United States is by far the largest single foreign donor. The UK commitment to spend 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) on ODA is reported the year following the spend based on confirmed ODA outturn and GNI estimates published by the Office for National Statistics. See Annex 1 for more detail. UK ODA can be classified into sectors depending on its purpose, e.g. The UK was the only G7 member to cut foreign aid last year Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). Spend in Pakistan was mainly focused on Education (38.4%) as well as Government and Civil Society (16.4%) (see Section 4.2.3 for more information on sector specific breakdowns), Ethiopia has remained the second largest recipient of bilateral ODA although spend slightly decreased in 2019 from 2018 - a decrease of 2 million. This spend in the top 5 countries represents 28.3% of the total country-specific UK bilateral ODA in 2019, a slight reduction from 2018 when they comprised 31.2% of the total (Figure 6), in 2019 the top 3 recipients of UK bilateral country specific ODA were Pakistan (305m), Ethiopia (300m) and Afghanistan (292m) (Figure 6). This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. 4. This shift in share was in part driven by the decrease seen in the UKs core contributions to multilaterals as well as the actual increase in bilateral ODA spend. A glossary, explaining key terms used throughout this report, is available in Annex 1, See commitments made by the UK and other donors at the 2005 G8 Summit in Gleneagles, For more information on the grant equivalent measure and the impact on UK ODA, see background note 6.2, The multilateral must be on the OECD DAC list of eligible multilaterals in order to receive unearmarked funding. The House of Lords will hold a debate on the subject on 15 December 2022. The Cross-Government Prosperity Fund promotes economic reform and development in recipient countries. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Figure 17 shows ODA spend as a proportion of gross national income (GNI) in 2019. The estimate in 2018 and 2019 is based on published data from the European Commission on the UKs share of development expenditure. The UK ODA figures contained in this report are for 2019 ODA spending, when DFID and the FCO were separate departments, and as such, spend by these departments are reported separately. 'Raiding' of UK aid budget short-changing world's poorest, MPs warn This was mostly due to an increase in humanitarian aid spend, with the largest country specific increase to Yemen (see Case Study 1, p. 32, for a more detailed look at the story in Yemen). The majority of this increase was spent in the health sector, and the largest country-specific increase was to South Sudan (see for more information). First, total Russian net ODA disbursements nearly quadrupled from US$231 million in 2010 to US$902 million in 2015 (in constant 2015 dollars). This was an increase of 211 million (or 1.9%) compared with 2018, ODA spend by departments other than DFID and other contributors of UK ODA was 4,090 million in 2019, an increase of 434 million, or 11.9%, on 2018, Africa remained the largest recipient of UK region-specific bilateral ODA in 2019 accounting for 50.6%, the top 3 recipients of UK bilateral country specific ODA were Pakistan (305m), Ethiopia (300m) and Afghanistan (292m), UK bilateral ODA to Yemen was 260 million, an increase of 94 million compared to 2018 - this was the largest increase to any country in 2019, the largest amount of bilateral ODA was focused on Humanitarian Aid (1,536m), Health (1,431m) and Multisector/ Cross-Cutting (1,325m) sectors. Development Tracker. It shows: Figure 18: Map of the top 15 highest recipients of total DAC Members bilateral ODA Spend and UKs Share by Country, 2018. Foreign aid - The Telegraph Total bilateral aid to Ukraine by country & type 2023 | Statista This represents 0.5% of expected gross national income (GNI) and is a reduction in aid spending from the legislative target of 0.7%. This chapter provides an overview of where UK ODA is spent. Spend increased by 56 million on 2018 to 207 million in 2019. EU attribution fluctuates from year to year because the EU works on a 7 year programming cycle and so EU disbursements in a given year can vary. It outspends the next largest, Germany, by more than $10 billion a year; the United Kingdom, Japan, and France follow. Figure 14: Bilateral ODA by largest Major Sector for the top 10 country-specific ODA recipients, 2019.