"k J^e>G*[jB87X SS:PZ0$&I. 6 - 7 years old . 1) 1880 - table tennis is invented so tennis enthusiasts can practice in winter, 2) 1887 - first known use of the name 'table tennis', 3) 1890 - first known patented table tennis game, 4) 1901 - the name 'ping pong' is trademarked in Great Britain, 5) 1902 - initial unofficial world championships, 6) 1921 - Great Britain establishes the Table Tennis Association (TTA), 7) 1922 - the name 'table tennis' is formerly adopted, 8) 1926 - International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) is founded, 9) 1933 - United States Table Tennis Association (USTTA) is founded, 11) 1969 - celluloid balls replaced by plastic, 12) 1988 - Table tennis is introduced at the Olympics, 13) 1992 - Jan-Ove Waldner becomes the first player to win the Grand Slam, 15) 2000 - ITTF changes rules to make game more viewer friendly. 3.Understanding of game rules and team play. 165 lessons. Bicol University College of Education Integrated Lab. Thank you for sharing this has really helped me as I do not have the skills or subject knowledge. If a student loses a point, that student immediately leaves the table and is replaced by a new student. Table Tennis Unit of Work KS3 and KS4 | Teaching Resources Table Tennis Unit of Work KS3 and KS4 Subject: Physical education Age range: 11-14 Resource type: Unit of work 5 reviews File previews Same again really, couldn't find one so had to write one! A tennis curriculum fundamental stage development, Lesson plan introduction 52 red 1 lesson plans 53 red 2 lesson plans 60 orange tennis (8+ year olds) court: net height: 80 cm (31.5 inches) avoid tennis lessons clich poor violin lessons. 6 chapters | Detailed TABLE TENNIS Unit of Work - Yr 9 Lesson Plans x 8 Year 7, 8 and 9 hockey unit plans and lessons by hworkman Search Teaching Resources - TES Pin on Simple Business Plan Templates. 10 - 11 years old . Table Tennis Lesson Plans & Worksheets Reviewed by Teachers :Bl,'hwgrnj_CCaE!H1\{10APWu:NP<<0 -`(K2z n -yY/uZjg/CtHX)g2>ai]6?br/dmdA[p $ L$h>pHC8-Oc[a>C& .XS6~CB The content of the lessons addresses the National Curriculum Key Concepts that underpin the study of PE. This course covers the basic skills and techniques you need to play the sport of table tennis. Third Grade . Participate in Rabbit in the Hat Fitness to improve their strength, endurance, and flexibility. This method allows more individualization for students with varying fitness and skill abilities. ULuBZk+f. s@(-cZZZ2\s|4 Objectives: 1. 6OHbfkF=cNAiwWJEQQjh&bT-T}0Ftz I\sHG(>;%c4pAnNUQ% J AoT2WMBd)1a.5; . http://www.ittf.com/ittf_development/Tops_Manual.pdf. An official game of Table Tennis starts with a coin flip where players can elect to serve, return or decide which side of the table to start on. - if the activities in the lesson have a logical link then the learners. Something went wrong, please try again later. $89.99. -sOutputFile=? Students position their groups on a sideline with about 15 feet between each group. Create your account. Most pupils will: Understand the basic and some more advanced rules It is very important to have a plan in place for your lessons. 352 S02 Dr. Tim Hopper March 5, 2002. Have two students stand at either end of the table tennis tables. Demonstrate different ways of bouncing the ball on the paddle in the air: forehand side of racquet; backhand side; alternating hands; alternating forehand and backhand; bounce ball on table or floor. Inform your students they will now get to actually play in real table tennis matches. Conditions. as children grow old Collectible woodworking planes sale ebay, Antique scioto works ohio tool co. no.27 wood block plane 28 inches long . To develop the skill of outwitting an opponent using a combination of shots. In this sports lesson, students are taught the rules of the game and various grips to use. plans at a faster rate. Tennis Lesson Plans for School or Club Coaching Programme Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Student One will start with the backhand grip, while Student Two will return with the forehand grip. Show them the difference between a forehand grip and a backhand grip, which is a similar concept to the game of tennis. Therefore, the ball will travel in a straight line, but on the other side of the table. Table Tennis: Lessons for Beginner through Advanced - LiveAbout 0000003642 00000 n This resource pack does not contain a formal table tennis lesson plan and is more adapted for introducing your class to the sport as a topic before any practical sessions start. Hand out a preprinted worksheet with the following 15 important events in the history of the game of table tennis, but do not include the dates on the worksheets. A match is played best of an odd number agreed upon ahead of time, either 3, 5, 7 or 9. Turn around and skip back to the starting line and give high fives to a different person(s). Save Save table tennis lesson plan For Later. Let your students know they will be studying a timeline involving the history of table tennis. 8 - 9 years old . 94 Views 44 Downloads. Most if not all lessons include: Learning Objectives Teaching Activities Questions Health and Safety Considerations Differentiation Equipment Contexts Include: Basketball Badminton Football Gymnastics Hockey Netball Table Tennis Trampolining Lesson plans cover Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Some KS5. we suggest using progressions, which are central to the teaching style advocated by the professional tennis registry (ptr). 0000002664 00000 n ?OCDax,JSx8@.3e$F-='4>"yK*dO]D4r}H~fpT> .92Vp.=7'h,nS|_Z]n]@]mGy[``4WP>]!mQA)-^oiUU}g>v-/6.|UUDT7jZ>d]QU7h:@vXT+"H>\+GXMlW6epry }:Jd)i>S 7 - 8 years old . stream Before using the second lesson, you may want to get your class acquainted with the rules of tennis, ensuring they understand its structure and framework. Which is the Correct Name? One person in the triangle is the leader. 0000005560 00000 n Now research your type of grip on the Internet. Year 4 . antique vinta Woodworking plans horse tack armoire plans, Holme wood and tong neighbourhood development plan, How to create a simple database in mysql workbench, Plan w16812wg rustic look with detached garage, Build an outdoor table with tile top and steel base, Woodworking plans for outdoor dining table. Students participate in a table tennis game. PDF Unit Plan Table Tennis - University of Victoria Students should be challenged to do as many activities as possible and try to improve as the units continue. . Practical- Year 7 Assessment Task Resources Lesson & Stage of Inquiry CONTENT BASED Warm Up Whole Class Independent/ Workshop Reflection Homework Readings 1&2 . Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user. Dribble the basketball down and back up the length of the gym. Find out as much information as you can about the grip. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. the best way to make sure young kids have fun and learn well is to keep them experiencing success. February 22 / Posted by Rob Cherry. To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it. Check the worksheets as they are handed in to you. This student will be declared the Class Champion! Tennis Lesson 12: Singles Play. Table Tennis Unit of Work KS3 and KS4 | Teaching Resources Year 7 Scheme of Work This pack is designed for a Year 7 Unit of six lessons for pupils who are learning the basics of tennis using modified Mini Tennis equipment (red ball). 3 !1AQa"q2B#$Rb34rC%Scs5&DTdEt6UeuF'Vfv7GWgw 5 !1AQaq"2B#R3$brCScs4%&5DTdEU6teuFVfv'7GWgw ? Now Student Two should return the ball diagonally to Student One. (>$RUV]FxR%0PB*o@sXGs>_$V-AFwg!:W'>KK_|Xh'P^dQC1C;PCJE* @!!bk.8$VS\1+Ra1rUL* Each student will hit five times and rotate counterclockwise. Participate the Triangle Plus 1 Tag game demonstrating cooperative skills as presented by the instructor during the closing portion of class. TT Kidz Our fun-packed programme for 7-11 year olds Table tennis in schools How we help schools introduce table tennis Find a place to play, club or coach Pop in your postcode on our interactive map. Hb```f``c`a```g@ ~+sl sd(phxM;s/SH=_G:!~|.? *3JkKUBBqrZD*Zh;ohVF-P:[e8,.t: Q7U/wL xGu\ All pupils will: Recognise and adopt table tennis rules during conditioned games. etc. Group Two: you will be Team Seemiller Grip, Group Three: you will be Team Shakehand Grip. It's ideal for beginners as well as more experienced players who want to refresh their knowledge. 0000001869 00000 n lesson coaches, ping pong products player memberships .. http://www.e4hats.com/table-tennis-club Table tennis coaching videos - training dvds | table, This revolutionary table tennis dvd video training transform elite, -respected table tennis player shortest time .. http://www.tabletennisuniversity.com/ttu-box-set/ Tops table tennis: table tennis schools program - ittf, Tops table tennis page 1 resource ? Tennis Lesson 8: Diagonal Play. Various fitness activities are written on index cards and then placed in a hat (shoe box). Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Best Table Tennis Lessons Online - Free & Paid - PingSunday Students can work alone or with a partner. 8 - 9 years old . Have Student One and Student Two stand at opposite ends of the table. /^7;-:FUno5hhuY M_J}n*[5v=+f=LRS=WpyskG '**^{}x |+[U7np4s^-DGT8_U1gG-cG^,Xo \. Find a junior competition If your child is ready to compete, find a competition here. Something went wrong, please try again later. Table Tennis Lesson Plan for 6th Grade | Lesson Planet Age range: 11-14 Resource type: Unit of work 30 reviews File previews doc, 994 KB This pack provides ideas for drills and games to help make table tennis lessons interesting for pupils. 0000004404 00000 n Tennis unit - pelinks4u.org, Tennis unit johnny mack & jeff winslow table contents syllabus naspe standards lesson 6 forehand lesson 7 forehand, 5 task cards & assessment backhand lesson 8 backhand & skill chart notify beginning year arrangements meet student.. 21 interesting gun cabinet rack plans securely, This gun rack is one that is rather traditional. 7 min Set a boundary of only playing a forehand (FH) when the ball is in the forehand box and only playing a backhand (BH) when the ball is in the - if the activities in the lesson have a logical link then the learners. Emerging: Recognise and adopt table tennis rules during conditioned games. Following are some suggested fitness activities: Using Whistle Mixer, make groups of 5 6 to begin at each station. ?V~eoh.]P$i>zCZ-'RbK].HX:-o$=I$TI$%$S=?w.$I%I$JRI$I$$I)I$JRI$d 3|[_R ] ,_& gNV ^I$$IJI$RI$I%)$IJ\?O]kuJhhc3pYQ WjH}w| f5SL:JRI$TI$$I)I$JdII$RI$I%)$IJI$RI$I%)$IJI$R w =Pxi kItI$$I)I$Jx.v~?o]z O>/ !w!I$IRI$I$$I)I$JRI$mSHx?Cg|z q;l Vi$IRI$I$$I)I$JRI$cT5 @ l$> I$$IJI$RI$I%?dII$RI$_mM56;t'wpI$JI$I%)$IJI$RI$1_3 +]//s WZJ{KRTM]N_`~/OF%6d8pEl?3. A2`y_."&nwv_{tVv>gbWs/:f/AK.5v>7 \8^+cG~;a :I$TI$$~K132Mp'h$$IJLI S_uNes I[$j]e|%dw>ZLX;>e W-PrcD^&mv_U~c TU? #Ho; IOLI$$I)I$JRI$I$$I)K Xho}X%y?YA}!$I*I$RI$I%)$IOdII$RI$6 &;j I I$TI$$I)I$JRI$I$/7Wf[[s[;F]u $?zl1n?z_2Ev8kikgIWSTv6q7$ %4^^Zv\Os"UwotVDiyLk n1on-6h%O. degree with a major in psychology and a minor in mathematics from Christopher Newport University. 0000002859 00000 n Z. Lesson Plan | PDF | Table Tennis | Individual Sports - Scribd They contain activities and exercises which teach the principles and skills of tennis in a logical and progressive way. PDF Scheme of Work: Table Tennis - peresourcesbank Marcel: Year 7 Table Tennis Lesson Plans - Blogger Tell them: This exciting game is called Table Tennis Winner Stays and Plays. Learn the fundamentals from step by step explanations, photographs, and videos. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. 0000001070 00000 n GN!l[LGKeUWSG 7tYXr0omK=F>KT"Y0.p!i0z]3~THUOMmYM=>O$|UFE5e;4W7*i[Uv} resource coaches, physical education teachers, teachers sport, parents interested . How to Play Table Tennis (in 12 Simple Steps) Rotate student roles in groups of four: ball chasers, catcher, feeder and hitter. PDF Scheme of Work: Table Tennis - pescholar.com