maroondah council election candidates

What do you believe are the top 4 infrastructure needs of Maroondah residents? 5. It is why I am also supporting ideas like greening greyfields, community gardens, green street projects, food organics and garden organics waste services, and gardens for wildlife, which neighbourhoods and residents can lead themselves, with the support of Council. Section 306 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) requires a person who was a candidate in the Council Election to providean election campaign donation return to the Chief Executive Officer within 40 days after Election Day. Secondary legislation has also been . I will ensure that Council uses our rates for good by continuing to deliver Covid-19 recovery and relief programs for rate-payers, community groups and businesses. More recently I have been a home tutor for VCE students. Morgan County, Utah, elections, 2022 - Ballotpedia As a former President of the Ringwood Highland Games I recognise the value of community events and the many hard-working volunteers who put in so much time and effort to make these events happen. (1) The improvement, maintenance and protection of Maroondahs canopy and unique native flora & fauna, (2) Assisting residents to create Gardens for Wildlife, (3) Lowering Maroondahs carbon emissions and moving to more renewable energy initiatives, (4) Maroondah council declaring a Climate Emergency, (5) The council consulting with the community about the environment on a ongoing basis that is transparent. Council elections - Maroondah City Council Maroondah Council Elections - HEATHMONT BUSHCARE And through the policy team on Council. I understand business, technology and community. Its an established fact, I think we should persevere despite those who deny the science and not let them stand in our way. Following are the nine Councillors declared for each of the new nine wards. A healthy community is a happy community. I have a lifetime of local knowledge to draw upon, having attended primary and secondary schools locally and been a volunteer in many community organisations, including as President of South Croydon Football Club. Our sport and recreation facilities are world-class, but we need a councilled campaign to actively engage our community and get kids, in particular, active again once government restrictions are eased.Please contact me on 0407504188 if you would like to chat about issues that concern you. The information you provide on this form is being collected by Maroondah City Council for the strict purpose of conducting Council business. Jobs give people purpose, especially our youth. Mullum Ward (3 vacancies) Then I would like to see more open forums where people can provide input on detailed issues not just answer vague high-level questions. 20928, Pavilion Redevelopment - Contract No. See the Australian Electoral Commission website to find out which Federal electorate you live in. This election was uncontested and the following candidate(s) are declared elected unopposed. As a councillor, I will prioritise the provision of quality services and fight for secure employment that is accessible to all. When I left Council in 2005, there was $12M in the bank that was used to build the Croydon Pool. Like you, I believe in the need to protect our leafy open space, our recreation reserves, and balance new residential and commercial areas. This quote best sums up my values: How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. December 1, 2023 - January 12, 2024 (January periodic) After the election, candidates must continue to file periodic disclosure statements each January and July through the post-election audit until the campaign has satisfied all outstanding . I look forward to representing you in council and providing a clear and balanced voice that reflects the views of our wonderful local community. To get in touch, call 0438633193 or email Vote1 Check OKC ward map, where to vote and more. No more $20m spent on new council offices, + another $23m in this years budget to fit out ($43m to date) the biggest single budget item, no more regional facilities that are available in every other council, no more money wasting, its not an endless resource. Some of the work Im most proud of includes; the reduction of our carbon footprint due to innovative energy initiatives, the upgrades and vision for the Croydon Town Centre, the Tarralla Creek rejuvenation, our work on youth and family mental health with the Communities of Wellbeing, supporting volunteer organisations and upgrades to various sporting facilities. I would be humbled to be your local representative, and I give you my assurance that I will listen to you, and I will act in the best interests of our community. Maroondah City Council - Jobs List - All Vacancies Council can do more to assist them. I come from among us, as a Croydon small business owner and resident, parent of school and kinder aged children, active member of local soccer, baseball and tennis clubs, and Scouts group. Mandatory notification of and communication with all residents in the area of proposed new developments (not just immediate neighbours)? It is because of this support, I am able to study a Bachelor of Law, service victims of medical-negligence, offer pro-bono services back into our community and participate in individual and team sports. 20904, Local Law No. 2020 has been a year of unprecedented environmental, health, and economic disasters from which Australia and the rest of the world will take years to recover. Any major decisions should be communicated about before the decision is made. Mr Marks nominated as a candidate for McAlpin Ward in Maroondah Council in the 2020 general election. OKC's Ward 5 city council election candidates discuss priorities Metro Council has five at-large seats that serve the county as a whole. I will act to maintain our distinctive neighborhoods. Our local Transition Town (TTM) has sent sent a questionnaire to each candidate across Maroondah's three council wards. Council elections Maroondah City Council consists of 9 councillors elected by the Maroondah community every 4 years. At-large Councilmembers Bob Mendes and Sharon Hurt were. Now, more than ever, experience counts. It is important that councillors have a comprehensive understanding of council economics to ensure comprehensive business practices are applied to your dollar. Yes I agree that council should declare a climate emergency because global warming is getting out of control. I have worked for government and have successfully run my own business for the last 29 years. I will continue advocating for the Croydon level crossing removal. We need to enhance our planning controls so that inappropriate over-development is restricted, and our attractive leafy green environment is retained. I understand the challenges businesses are facing right now because I grew up in a family business. As the former MP for Deakin from 2007-2013 I worked closely with Maroondah to fund Community projects like Aquanation, the Soccer and Boxing pavilion at Jubilee park and the AG Lavis Baseball pavilion in Heathmont. I am offering myself to be your Councillor for the Barngeong Ward. We here at Connecting Maroondah, in collaboration with Transition Towns Maroondah (TTM) have noted an increase of interest in local council matters and the upcoming elections. Short answer; scientists and other QUALIFIED experts in the field. I will advocate to ensure there is not an over development of Eastfield Park. Our green canopy coverage is now less than 30 percent. Promote and uphold the Neighbourhood Character Review report (2019)b. I will continue to be a voice for fiscal restraint. My focus will be: To liaise with other councillors and council and see how we can support local small business back on track and create more jobs, Better elder and disability services. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?ABC News, The Guardian, Michael West Media, SBS, What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I would like Maroondah council to declare a climate emergency.,,, Suzanne Stojanovic forMaroondah McAlpin Ward,,, https://www. Are cars electric, LPG?, what sort of heating/cooling do they use, is passive heating part of council design? Denver City Council will have new faces in 2023. So let's check in on I advocated more strongly than others to ensure Aquanation received state and federal funding and got built, resulting in the magnificent facility that provides a return to ratepayers. I will advocate for council to maintain and improve the vital local community services, including aged and disability services. Mother. Hello there. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? Amend aspects of the Municipal Planning Scheme to better support existing neighbourhood character and well-being.d. Our children have asked for more places to ride their bikes. The Reformed Residential Zones (State Planning Scheme) were enacted in 2014. 7. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?I would like to investigate new ways of engaging the community such that it is easier and more transparent to access council, see how council members voted, and put views forward to council. I currently work in a community safety and engagement role servicing the State of Victoria. Vote 1 for me, your independent candidate Mob: 0491 643 139Email: marijkegrahammaroondah@gmail.comFacebook:, Transition Towns Maroondah: Questionnaire Responses. However, the golf course makes a profit now, so why change it now, or is the council looking to sell the surplus land to a developer for a housing estate? Amid these disasters, we have learnt that what we need most is a local community that we can rely upon. I am excited to be running for Tarralla Ward within Maroondah City Council. 20889, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age - 22 May 2018, Notice of Tender - Tree Data Capture Services - Contract No. Maroondah City Council election results 2020. We will be back cheering you on very soon. are they attainable? Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? Question 3. 20924, Croydon Main St. shopping centre - Proposed declaration of special rate and charge scheme, Condition assessment - Contract no. Every day, I speak to local families. I kindly ask for your vote. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?I would look at holding information forums for residents so there is an active dialog between council and the community. 20970, Pool and plant maintenance - contract no. I am also a member of the amazing Eastern Regional Coop and have a strong environmental sustainability focus. I will represent your voice honestly on council. I support the need for council to provide more in relation to rate and fee concessions, waivers and relief to the many businesses that have been affected. As your local representative on council, I see all your good work, and you have my full support. The following candidate is declared elected. How do you think the outcomes can be improved within your capacity as a Councillor?a. Current councillors Barngeong Ward GRAHAM, Marijke Bungalook Ward DIB, Tony Jubilee Ward SYMON, Mike McAlpin Ward STOJANOVIC, Suzanne Tarralla Ward MACDONALD, Paul Wicklow Ward DAMANTE, Tasa Wombolano Ward SPEARS, Kylie Wonga Ward HANCOCK, Linda ( by-election results) Yarrunga Ward Council needs to provide our local community and sporting clubs with the tools and assistance to not only survive during covid but to also prosper moving forward. The announcement comes just one day after a similar funding announcement by the Coalition The government announced it will spend between $850 million and $1.05 billion on redeveloping and expanding the Maroondah Hospital in Ringwood should it be returned to government in November's state election. I find my information from environmental friendly resources, What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues? My name is David White. Gday im David Maloney. I am actively involved in the community working in organisations that include Communities of Wellbeing, Yarrunga Community Centre and National Seniors Australia. 27th Annual Mayoral Art Exhibition 2022 acquisitions announced, Goats in the city - Sustainable vegetation removal, Caring for our carers - Pathways for Carers program, Lift your spirits with the Maroondah Lift Project, New pavilion boosts membership interest for user groups, Explore the great outdoors this Nature Play Week, Community Grants Funding Program Chin Community Victoria Inc, Cr Nora Lamont resigns from Maroondah City Council, Fresh Theatre returns to Maroondah with new show, The Unsaid, Be Brave. Our elderly have been treated as disposable lately. But one thing that hasnt changed is our strong community spirit. Promote and uphold the Neighbourhood Character Review report (2019)b. What will you do as a Councillor to address these issues?1.Rate increases kept to a minimum.2.Loss of canopy trees and our green environment and Heritage buildings because of inappropriate development.3.Selling of council owned assets and public open space because of councils increasing high debt. Since then, Council spent $54M and borrowed $25M to build the Ringwood Pool and have budgeted $28M to relocate the offices to Eastland. What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues? Mandatory notification of and communication with all residents in the area of proposed new developments (not just immediate neighbours)?Yes, in theory I support this proposal; however, legally I dont know how it would stand up against state government legislation and the jurisdiction of VCAT in these matters. 14 - Submissions Invited - The Age - 5 September 2018, Notice of Tender - Cleaning Ringwood & Dorset Golf - Contract No. (2) Increase grant opportunities and bring together environmental leaders to support accelerator programs where community members can get involved to come up with solutions that are sustainable for the environment, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now? In my relatively short time coming from Vermont South Ive seen a lot of Ringwood, and a lot that can be improved! With the ongoing challenge of Council planning decisions being contested and declining outcomes for revegetation and canopy in the private realm, do you have any other suggestions for improving outcomes.Improving our planning control. As a rate payer, I want, like everyone, accountability and transparency around expenditure of rates. How people want to interact with their representatives and how they want to receive information. Those advocacy skills ensured that at the last federal election, as Mayor, I was able to secure over $140m in funding for Maroondah. Improved protections for residents against inappropriate developmentb. Cutting red tape, fast-tracking small business applications, and fixing day today issues that matter. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. I believe in fairness and equity and will always put our community first. Vote 1 Todd Greaney for Tarralla Ward. As councillor and representative of the Tarralla Ward, I will strive to make sure each and every member of our community is awarded the same opportunity. Im Sebastian Moon, a 37 yr old single resident of Ringwood since 2016. Ill bring my business skills to council to ensure ratepayers get real value. Maroondah council candidate fined A former election candidate received a six-month good behaviour bond after pleading guilty to nominating as a candidate while ineligible in a hearing on 7 September at Ringwood Magistrates' Court.