Particular emphasis is placed on social and political issues that impact the use and representation of Spanish.
Fairfield University: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Glassdoor We recognize that viable solutions to enduring problems emerge when people with diverse backgrounds and skills work together with mutual respect, toward common goals. Students who Minor in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) draw from an introductory course that establishes the breadth of topics in economics and business that are impacted by individual personal characteristics, such as race, class, and gender. Artists studied will not be those with the highest number of albums sold, but those with significant musical or lyrical content and impact on hip-hop as a whole. Connecting community and campus to create high impact academic opportunities, the Center for Social Impact addresses local, national, and global challenges and develops individuals committed to creating a more just and equitable world. This course is an introduction to the discipline of history through a survey of American women's experiences from the pre-colonial era to the 1960s. Learn More About Affinity Clubs The course traces the history of Islam on the continent from the Atlantic slave trade to the post-9/11 era. MUSC 2201Hip-Hop and Its Antecedants3 Credits, Attributes: BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, MUAM American Music, MUHI Music History, UDIV U.S. Diversity, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course.
Diversity Equity Inclusion jobs in Fairfield, CT - Tufts has always aimed to be inclusive. Student Location Diversity 78 out of 100. We will investigate why people produce and exchange things, why they seek to amass things in some circumstances and give them away in others, and how our modern understandings of value, debt, and rationality emerged. 3476, Director of Diversity & Academic Support Services at Fairfield College Preparatory School, Vice President for University Advancement, Director of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Bellarmine Campus of Fairfield University, 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06824 (203) 254-4000. Boston University Diversity & Inclusion (BU D&I) works closely with all of the University's 17 schools and colleges to help create a positive and welcoming campus climate, and ensure that we are recruiting world-class students, staff, and faculty whose experiences and viewpoints embolden the academic endeavor. The central themes of the course are the changes and continuities of gender roles within the United States, the social processes that influence our gender identities, and the connections between gender, power, and inequality. We can do so by examining the encounters between the West and other parts of the world and by beginning and ending the story of the rise of the modern world not in Europe but elsewhere.
Fairfield University Diversity & Student Demographics - CollegeSimply Students then take electives drawn from the College of Arts and Sciences that provide context and skills that inform the experience of diverse people. Ophelie Rowe-Allen and Stephanie Burrell Storms are contributing authors, "Enhancing EDI Initiatives through Academic and . 4 jobs using the terms 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' to view and apply for now with The Chronicle of Higher Education Jobs | by Relevance. Skip to job results. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Previously MU 0101. Students create material culture related to each thematic section of the course.
Enhancing the richness of cultural diversity through student clubs and organizations is the cornerstone of the multicultural college experience. Fairfield University was founded by the Society of Jesus as an all-boys school. This course provides students with an overview of refugee movements with a focus on cultural encounters across the world. Students explore topics such as modernity, nationalism, individualism, gender, and cultural identity in the modern cultural-historical context. Made up of more than 15 faculty and staff members representing multiple campus departments, the Presidential Working Group was founded by University President Mark R. Nemec, PhD, to support and provide radical hospitality to diverse populations through teaching, learning, scholarship, and service. This course traces the development of American jazz from its origins in African-American musical traditions. Previously EN 0118. Previously EN 0101. Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective. The Jesuit tradition of cura personalis care for the whole person animates our mission. This course is a study of various cultural aspects of modern China in the 20th century through reading translated fiction as well as films. This course examines the causes, processes, and concerns of international migration, which are explored through the use of case studies that include a wide range of countries from different world regions. This course surveys the art and architectural history of China, Korea, and Japan, emphasizing cultural and artistic contact between these cultures. The Center for Social Impact connects community and campus to create high impact academic opportunities that address local, national, and global challenges and develop individuals committed to creating a more just and equitable world. Previously AH 0102. I am a current sophomore public health major at Fairfield University's Marion Peckham Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies. Students explore topics such as modernity, nationalism, individualism, gender, and cultural identity in the modern cultural-historical context. $36,633Net Price 58%Take Out Loans In order to identify promising practices for teaching EDI, this collaboratively authored paper follows the thread of our common strategies, activities, and . In 2018 Warde students traveled to San Diego to share the progressive work they are doing through their Identity and Education Conference, and on-going work in FPS schools. C. Barlow Road entrance, 1942. Previously AY 0135. Previously AY 0111. After considering the cognitive and motivational factors that contribute to stereotyping and prejudice, students will proceed to examine prejudice in the "real world," exploring literature on discrimination-related policies, effects of stereotyping, prejudice, and identity on achievement and status, and prejudice reduction programs. This course introduces students to the history, core functions, and essential services of public health and serves as a foundation for further study in the discipline. CHIN 2250Modern China Through Fiction and Film3 Credits, Attributes: ANMC Asian Studies Elective, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, WDIV World Diversity. Encourage University efforts to provide students with cross-cultural competencies and monitor issues where students, faculty or staff members may experience forms of discrimination or marginalization. The geography of cities is in constant flux.
Sacred Heart University's new Pioneer Journey director Vice President for Mission and Ministry Rev. We embrace, support and celebrate the unique characteristics of diverse identities and cultures. At Fairfield University, we advance this mission through: Inclusive Excellence as a critical dimension of our academic mission. Previously MU 0112. . Many of the changes in cities have been influenced by racial-ethnic and economic dynamics. Following a roughly chronological progression spanning over three millennia, the course emphasizes contact between Asian civilizations, including South, Southeast, Central, and East Asia, as well as artistic exchanges between Asia and the West. Attributes: ANMC Asian Studies Elective, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, GDAH Graphic Design: Art History, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course, WDIV World Diversity. Why are urban areas "racialized"? Students will explore how features of the specific societies serve to inhibit or augment cultural adjustments and meet the new needs and realities of populations in movement. This course explores the shared patterns of thought, behavior, and feelings - that is, the cultures - of a number of peoples and presents explanations for the forms they take and the differences between them. Pictured Above: A. Rev. Prerequisites: SPAN3245, junior standing. We will investigate the many ways in which Islam, as both a religion and idea, has appeared on the American horizon and in the American imagination. The course reviews applications of theoretical predictions as they relate to important public policy issues such as child and elder care, social security, pay equity, the glass ceiling, affirmative action, sexual harassment, and poverty. . Students will obtain a greater understanding and appreciation of diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice through participation and celebration in a variety of activities. The 2019 conference was held at Fairfield University and included school districts from across the region and state. The baccalaureate degree in nursing at Fairfield University is accredited by the: Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education655 K Street NW, Suite 750Washington, DC 20001Phone: 202-887-6791Fax: 202-887-8476 Nursing Major Second Degree BSN Program The four components of the Egan School undergraduate nursing program are: Core Curriculum Cultures designated by their geographical locations will provide a frame of study for African visual culture. Erica E. Hartwell and Stephanie Burrell Storms (with Kirsten Cole, Sarah K. Donovan, Ruth L. Greene, and Theodora P. Williams) are contributing authors, "Breaking Down Silos: Teaching for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Across Disciplines in Higher Education," Chapter 1. Fairfield University Undergraduate Student Diversity 4,231Full-Time Undergraduates 13.2%Racial-Ethnic Minorities* 58.9%Percent Women During the 2017-2018 academic year, there were 4,354 undergraduates at Fairfield Uwith 4,231 being full-time and 123 being part-time. Previously AY 0052.
Fairfield Announces New Vice President of Diversity, Inclusion, and INST 1050People, Places, and Global Issues3 Credits, Attributes: BUEL Business Elective, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, MSID Magis Core: Interdisciplinary, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, WDIV World Diversity. ENGL 1050African Diaspora: Literature and Culture3 Credits, Attributes: ASEN American Studies: Literature, ASGW American Studies: Gateway, BSAH Black Studies: Arts and Humanities, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, E_AF English Literature After 1800, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, WDIV World Diversity. We value the academic, social and broader community benefits that arise from a diverse campus and are committed to equity, inclusion and accountability. MUSC 1132Critical Issues in American Popular Music: Blues to Hip Hop3 Credits, Attributes: ASVP American Studies: Visual and Performing Arts, BSAH Black Studies: Arts and Humanities, BSCC Black Studies Component Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, UDIV U.S. Diversity, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course. The annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration is a week-long series of events that seeks to engage students, staff, faculty, and our local communities in a dialogue about justice and the recognition of all human dignity. Does it victimize the poor? The Center hosts workshops on Inclusive Classroom Practices to generate discussion around the challenges, opportunities, and best practices for teaching social justice classes. The Center offers spiritual direction to students, faculty and staff, the Diocese of Bridgeport, and community members of all faiths. This course examines the economy from philosophical and anthropological perspectives. Rooted in our Ignatian identity, Campus Ministry welcomes students from all faith traditions and at all points on their spiritual journey. This course is an introduction to the history of the modern world since 1500. The event also honors the achievements and volunteer service of alumni, parents, faculty, and staff. The cohort-based scholarship program offers up to 12 four-year, full tuition grants to low-income students attending Jesuit and Cristo Rey high schools. How is the U.S. position on the death penalty perceived by the international community? Previously PY 0221. Bretton Hunchak '09 oversees stewardship of the world's . When people feel valued, respected, and empowered, they are more motivated to work together for the common good of all. The course uses readings, exercises, and real-world projects to formulate the following: a definition of diversity; an awareness of its impact on businesses and their managers; the identification of the challenges that diversity presents and the opportunities it allows for even more productive workplace interactions; and the necessary skills, attitudes, and patterns of critical thinking needed for effective leadership in this important area. Languages and Identities: Sociolinguistic Approaches to Spanish in the U.S. Culture, Civilization, and Literature in the Spanish-American Caribbean Region. There are many dimensions to diversity that go well beyond obvious differences such as race, gender, age, physical ability, and marital status. ENGL 1180Modern China through Fiction and Film3 Credits, Attributes: ANMC Asian Studies Elective, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, E_AF English Literature After 1800, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, WDIV World Diversity. Fairfield University named Don C. Sawyer III, PhD, the new vice president of diversity, inclusion and belonging on Monday. It's not just about making opportunities available to all; we believe by doing so, we enrich the lives of all. Previously SO 0166. Apply to Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Chief Diversity Officer, Program Associate and more! PSYC 2220Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, UDIV U.S. Diversity. Previously PH 0260. Available to all students regardless of their major, the minor in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) was designed for students who are passionate about social justice. RLST 1601Religion in the United States3 Credits, Attributes: ASGW American Studies: Gateway, ASRS American Studies: Religion, CARS Catholic Studies: Religious Studies, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, RSST Religious Studies Major Track, UDIV U.S. Diversity.
Equity and Diversity - Fairfield Public Schools There are several clubs and organizations that work closely with the Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs towards supporting this idea. The minor, developed as part of the work done by Dolans Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task force, was designed for students who are passionate about social justice. Throughout the course there is a focus on thinking critically when looking at art as well as how to articulate ideas in writing. Previously RS 0275. We will focus primarily on Black Americans, but will also consider white ethnic groups and other ethnic groups in discussion. A final project asks students to consider ways to raise awareness about a social issue at the University or in the larger community. Previously EC 0235. Crosslisted with HIST2235. The purpose of this paper is to present specific teaching strategies, classroom activities, and service learning assignments that can be adapted across disciplines to meet equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) focused learning objectives. We hope to develop men and women to serve as global citizens, at home in the world, able to engage in diverse cultural circumstances with an open mind and the capacity to empathize with the perspectives of others. The philosophy of Ubuntu entered my life while I was a high school English teacher in Louisville, Kentucky. The course will be anchored in such touchstone texts as Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Charlotte Bront's Jane Eyre, and Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth. We proudly celebrate the diverse and inclusive community that is Quinnipiac. The health care delivery system is explored from a historical, economic, political, and health information technology perspective. We will trace the corporeal, visual, spoken word, literary, and musical antecedents to and manifestations of hip-hop in American cultural. In the process, students work to discover what kind of lens culture and/or inequality provides, how our implicit understandings of these ideas shape how we think about the world, and how we might better use such ideas to do our thinking. Previously HI 0205. Less Diverse More Diverse The undergraduate student body is split among 20 states (may include Washington D.C.). Work across all disciplines within SEHD aligns perfectly with Fairfield's Jesuit mission, where intellectual growth in service to others and social justice are primary. This course is an in-depth analysis of capital punishment. Top Stories, 1073 North Benson Road Students will begin with classic texts in social theory, examine how this theory informs contemporary debates, and look to small-scale societies in the Global South for an intimate, ethnographic perspective of our global era. This course will emphasize contemporary events, particularly as they relate to the fundamental themes covered. Today it is a co-educational institution. A Juneteenth Message From the President Mark R. Nemec, PhD. (203) 254-4000. Through a comparison of selected Asian, Middle Eastern, African, and Native American societies, this course explores the ways that culture can mold the biological facts of sexual difference into socially accepted behavior, creating two, and sometimes more, genders. Graduate equivalent: SOCI5300. 42 theory hours. Counseling Services Guided Meditation Resources. By encouraging dialogue, communication, community partnerships, and a culture of understanding, we foster in our students, faculty, and staff the capacity and desire to build a better world through productive citizenship and societal stewardship. At Fairfield University, by encouraging dialogue, communication, community partnerships, and a culture of understanding around diversity and equity and inclusion, we foster in our students, faculty, and staff the capacity and desire to build a better world. The course is a survey, thus students will encounter a variety of topics varying from indigenous religious practices, revivalism, the early roots of traditions like Judaism and Islam, new religious movements, to secularization. This course introduces human genetics to the non-science major. After completing this course, students take electives drawn from the College of Arts and Sciences that provide context and skills that inform the experience of diverse people. Fairfield University community members share a commitment to inquiry and discernment, and a determination to serve as global citizens supporting the dignity and essential human rights of all persons. Tenured/Tenured Track jobs in Fairfield. RLST 2555Catholic Social Teaching3 Credits, Attributes: CARS Catholic Studies: Religious Studies, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, RSTH Religious Studies Theology Track. ENGL 1300Literature by Women: Vision and Revision3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, ENAM American Literature, ENBR British Literature, E_AF English Literature After 1800, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, WSGF Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Focused. Selected writers include Stowe, Davis, Thoreau, Crane, Douglass, Steinbeck, King, Wright, and Ginsberg. "Dr. Don Sawyer brings deep academic and leadership experience, and a commitment to the transformative power of education to this new role leading Fairfield's institutional and cultural growth through diversity and inclusive excellence," said President Mark R. Nemec, PhD. The PDF will include all pages within the 2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog. This course is a survey of Muslim life and religious movements connected to Islam in North America. This course examines the concept of literacy as it is represented in fiction and non-fiction texts. Students examine periods from the 1950s to the present, along with Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, the Beatles, the British invasion, folk music, Bob Dylan, jazz and art rock, Jimi Hendrix, the west coast movement, and the music industry. Previously SO 0165. How have they both been shaped by and contributed to the socio-cultural transformations? Fairfield University Magazine - Spring 2021. 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06824 (203) 254-4000, School of Education and Human Development, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Faculty, Economics of Race, Class, and Gender in the American Workplace, Three (3) additional, specified courses (please see the.
Student Diversity | Fairfield University As widespread violence and unrest grip the United States over the killing of yet another unarmed African-American man, the countrys Catholic bishops condemn the act saying, racism has been tolerated for too long. We examine how many writers have challenged their contemporaries to become aware of important issues - race, women's rights, Native American activism, the environment, war, and poverty. This course examines the modern teachings of the Catholic Church on peace and justice; Christian/humanist attitudes towards war; pacifism and the just war theory; and changes in global political and economic structures that seem necessary to ensure a peaceful and just world order. Previously FTM 0103. Students are encouraged to learn and celebrate the wide-variety of cultural, ethnic, and identity diversity present at Fairfield. Participants study the culture, social history, and politics of Spanish-America through select literary readings, articles, documentaries, films, newspapers, and Internet research. The course will be run as a combination of lecture and small group discussion and will make use of web-based background materials to provide context and depth to the readings. The course examines how different Muslims approached the concepts as well as how those concepts were applied to or imposed upon particular Muslim communities. Course activities include screening of films, discussion of articles that deal with literary theory and analysis of film, and writing short papers.
Fairfield school diversity director aims to help every student thrive Previously SO 0179. The 2,018 square feet home is a 4 bed 3 bath property. Previously SP 0359. During this course, students will gain an understanding of the social, ecological, and environmental determinants of health; recognize the roles of public policy and cultural values in maintaining health inequities in the U.S. and globally; and develop the ability to advocate for solutions to public health problems using a social justice approach. Skip to refine results. Students will read, study, and critically analyze relevant documents, and cultural materials from pre-Columbian populations until the contemporary period. Are the innocent ever convicted and executed? We welcome admitted students from traditionally underrepresented populations and students with a strong interest in diversity to spend a night on campus, meet members of the community, and become a stag for a day. Students will be introduced to different art historical approaches and vocabulary used to study art from each of these areas. Much attention will be paid to those voices often left out of the master narrative of American religion for reason of race, gender, ethnicity, class, or even peculiarity. Provide leadership with community partnership opportunities that will foster the University's environment for diversity and inclusion. Dear Colleagues, Yesterday, I had the privilege of participating in a discussion organized by Racial Justice is Social Justice (RJSJ), a grassroots coalition initially formed by students. Special attention will be paid to the African-American and Immigrant Muslim communities. View all Yale University jobs in New Haven, CT . ENGL 1260American Social Protest Literature3 Credits, Attributes: ASEN American Studies: Literature, ASGW American Studies: Gateway, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, E_AF English Literature After 1800, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, PJST Peace and Justice Studies. And how do they represent the increasingly diversified cultural and social landscape of contemporary China? Topics to be discussed include the construction of race, slavery and its abolition, the Black American Muslim experience, and Muslim theologies of liberation and resistance. Our 437-square-mile service area is multicultural, and we develop the library's collection with our readers' wide range of interests in mind.
The historic diversity of Muslim communities on the continent will be explored through their respective beliefs, cultures, and sense of identity. This musical and historical survey of African-American music and its important contributions to American culture examines African heritage, slave songs, and the colonial era, followed by the role of African-Americans in the music and culture of the Revolutionary and Civil War periods. The scholar and award-winning author will share insights from two of her critically acclaimed books during her Fairfield University lecture. PHIL 2263The Concept of Human Rights3 Credits.
Home - Diversity and Inclusion Events in United States history such as the emancipation from slavery and the Civil War Era, the Harlem Renaissance, Jazz Age, Great Depression, Civil Rights Movements, AIDS crisis of the 1980s, and the Los Angeles race riots of the 1990s are used as context to understand black art and culture. Previously RS 0106. Learn more about our Racial and Social Justice Resources, the Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Diversity in Action, Services & Initiatives for students and more! Previously SO 0194. Prerequisite: One 1000-level religious studies course. The office works with student organizations, faculty, and other University offices to further integrate diversity into developmental and social programs for students. D. University Faculty, 1947. What is Fairfield University doing to build a diverse workforce? Topics include the social constructions of race, sexuality, gender, class, and beauty, intertextuality, influence, and canon formation. School of Education and Human Development, Gaining Perspective When the World Goes Off. In 2018 Warde students traveled to San Diego to share the progressive work they are doing through their Identity and Education Conference, and on-going work in FPS schools. This course examines contemporary Latin American politics, with particular attention to the challenges and opportunities for democracy and human rights in the region. Just like McGrath Commons, only private and virtual. Fairfield University is exploring plans for a new academic unit that would offer an associate degree to students from low-income families and under-represented communities, primarily in the surrounding Bridgeport region. Home - Diversity and Inclusion Our Vision Diversity and inclusion are at the very foundation of the transformational experience at Tufts. SPAN 3286Languages and Identities: Sociolinguistic Approaches to Spanish in the U.S.3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, SPME Spanish Major or Minor Elective. This course is designed to give an inter-professional perspective to students interested in health care from any field of study. Whether on or off campus, we always strive to integrate intellect with action for justice. The course explores key historical developments, the challenges and opportunities presented by domestic and international dynamics in the region, the causes and consequences of democratic breakdowns in the past, the transition to democracy in the later part of the twentieth century, the difficulties several young democracies face today, and the continuous and uneven efforts to advance human rights in the region. Previously EN 0133. Prerequisites: ECON1011, ECON1012; or INST1053. This course is an introduction to art and architecture of Africa, the Caribbean islands, and Central America, South America, and North America. ANTH 2010Culture and Political Economy3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, MWAC Magis Core: Writing Across Curriculum.