does pineapple make your vag taste sweeter

All that said, Dr. Roskin has a concluding thought: "If you start to experience a bad or fish-like odor in your vagina, this could be a sign of a medical conditionlike an infection or bacterial vaginosis," she says. "Vaginal pH changes with women's overall health and diet as it contains a lot of bacteria Lactobacillus, for example which respond to such changes. You dissolve one tablet on your tongue and, thanks to a taste-modifying molecule called miraculin, any sour foods you eat suddenly taste sweet. That includes sweat, saliva, and yes, semen. This is because the amount of acid and sugar in the pineapple mixes with the fructose and glucose already found in semen and . It's best to opt for good ol' mild soap and water. When it comes to cleaning your vulva, water and mild soap is all you really need, says Gunter. Get it daily. In most cases, the scent and taste of your lady parts is perfectly fine and you have no reason to fret over it or feel the need to change it. Pineapple does make you taste sweeter, but it's not supposed to affect vaginas (although I suppose you could try it on your *****). In fact, a 2019 survey of 1,000 people who identify as women found that two-thirds of them have turned down sex due to concerns about the scent of their vagina. There is . More States Need to Make It Illegal. However, the experience varies for the rest of them who encounter a cornucopia of odors and tastes down there. Ive always heard rumors that eating pineapple would make my vagina taste better, but is that actually true? ), Oz says you can clearly taste evidence of his claims between smokers and non-smokers, regardless of their diets. "It's a vagina, not a pia colada," gynecologist Jen Gunter, MD, previously told Well+Good. These anecdotal associations nod to the aforementioned benefit for your vagina of just following an overall healthy lifestyleof which pineapple can certainly be a part. When it comes to regular old pineapple and pineapple juice, though, the intel is more anecdotal. And while we certainly value the opinions of doctors and sexperts on this topic, we want to know: what do normals have to say on the hot-button issue? Eating it may be beneficial because it is rich in vitamins C and B as well as fibre. . Many ladies corroborated her claims saying they have tried it too and it worked well for them. "You're either interested or not.". That being said, I notice that my body (since the beginning of teenage puberty) has a fairly pungent smelldown there. First, keep a healthy diet loaded with fruits and vegetables. Frozen pineapplewhether you have fresh pieces or dehydrated sliceswill keep for up to a year. And, as you might have guessed from the headline, we're talking about blowjobs. Well+Good decodes and demystifies what it means to live a well life, inside and out. These trends suggest that maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle drinking a lot of water, exercising often, and eating balanced meals will ensure that your secretions smell just as healthy as the foods you are eating. We'll assume you're ok with this. Unfortunately, there haven't been any scientific studies conducted that connect diet with the flavor and smell of vaginal discharge (although the Kardashians found that pineapple juice did. Sometimes at the beginning of a relationshipespecially given that we've only been dating a few monthsthere are a lot of wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am quickies. What is the Difference Between the Old and New Food Is Heavy Cream Same as Whipping Cream: Whats The Difference Is Watermelon and Hummus on the Keto Diet? But I ate a pound of pineapple chunks and downed six ounces of pineapple juice anyway to figure it out on my own. Want to shop from more small businesses? Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Does Pineapple Juice Really Change the Way You Taste Down There? You look like someone who loves free workouts, discounts for cutting-edge wellness brands, and exclusive Well+Good content. This article is the intellectual property of There's definitely a whiff of curry, and curry isn't really a great smell anyway, and it tastes saltier." All rights reserved. By Kelsey Patterson For some, a compliment can result in a turn-on. (While were on the subject, a note on the experiment: No, we didnt use rigorous scientific methods, and, yes, my boyfriend knew when Id eaten what foods, so that might have influenced his opinions.). Sweet potatoes. "It's not good, but it's tolerable. It's a little on the funky side. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? , Awesome, Youre All Set! it's also not a guarantee. Doing more than this, however, can have unintended negative consequences. Staph food poisoning can occur as soon as 30 mins after eating and symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, and stomach ache. You Might Not Be Hungry After a WorkoutBut You Should Still Eat Something, How to Stop a Sex Rut From Becoming a Full-On Sex Crater. So, where, exactly, does that leave pineapple in the vagina-taste department? Since asparagus is proven to cause smelly urine, how could it not do the same for your vag? Vagina Taste And Smell Experiment - BuzzFeed In addition to eating citrus fruits and the other food items we mentioned earlier, we recommend drinking a lot of water, getting a sufficient number of hours of sleep per night, managing your stress better, and exercising regularly. For instance, eating lots of fragrant, pungent foods (think spices, garlic, meats, etc.) Fans look to new event models that feed good, not greed. But the results aren't immediate, and it's more about your overall diet than one pre-sex meal. At some point, we seem to have forgotten that a vagina is supposed to smell and taste like a vagina, not a tropical paradise-scented air freshener. Pineapple is said to improve the vaginal taste. But does eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice actually improve the taste of your semen? Some food items also release compounds that can make your smell and taste grassier or more pronounced. Email us at Overall, while there are ways to hack your semen to make it taste slightly better, the effects aren't going to be that significant. At the end of the day, your diet has a profound effect on any bodily fluid, whether it be saliva, sweat, urine, ejaculate, or vaginal fluid. It's like paradise! ", Dr. DmitryLoktionov a gynaecologist and sexual health specialist who developed CBD lube Quanna(Opens in a new tab) agreed that there is insufficient research into the subject to prove that pineapples have an impact. Most curious guys have wondered at one point or another what their semen tastes like. Is Period Underwear Safe? Does pineapple make your vag taste sweeter? Here's what they had to say: To be fair, this myth isn't total garbage. My personel experience . She is currently based in Pennsylvania and loves all things antiques, cilantro, and American history. It's going to taste like a vagina and that's seriously just as yummy. Usually after a long walk, you'd taste salty. It's not always easy but it's usually worth it. A quick search online will reveal several keto followers who complain about this . Ultimately, John said, "I really don't care what you smell or taste like anyway." Eating foods high in refined carbohydrates, including white bread or white rice, can put you at risk for bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections, according to a 2011 report in The Journal of . Can Certain Foods Make Your Vagina Taste Sweeter? Here's What To Know By Kelsey Patterson John mumbled something I couldn't decipher. These food items include red meat, dairy, garlic, onion, and food and beverages packed with sugars. Ditto for smoking cigarettes or drinking a lot of alcohol. What does pussy taste like? If you want to try to improve the taste of your semen through your diet, be aware that the effects aren't instantaneous. Let's get one thing clear: As long as you're healthy, your vagina smells and tastes perfectly fine. Score all-time low prices on the M2 Mac mini, Amazon Halo Rise, and LG CordZero A9 Kompressor stick vacuum plus more of today's best deals. What is important is that you stay healthy in terms of hygiene, diet, and exercise, and those things will ensure that your vagina continues to smell like a healthy vagina. Does eating pineapple really change the way your vagina smells? Or just drink 100% pineapple juice. First things first, your vagina probably smells and tastes exactly like a vagina. Basically. Additionally, all things that are good for the body, in general, are also good for the genitals. You have entered an incorrect email address! Though we don't exactly know why this is, "coffee (caffeine), tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana can make the semen bitter tasting, and the by-products of these substances are excreted in bodily secretions like sweat, urine and semen," says Bennett. those high in fructose/glucose (for example pineapple, orange juice, kiwi).". Fruit get plenty each day and sweeten your sperm taste Pineapple, papaya cranberry, melons, mangos, apples grapes are all good choices. Why not make your vagina taste like a vagina ? That's true for other acidic fruits like lemons and. Because pineapple is pretty acidic, eating a lot of it or drinking a lot of pineapple juice can help cut down on the bitter taste of semen. Neither did I. What causes a sweet taste from my vagina? - HealthTap Pineapple. You know whats hot? That said, a noticeably foul odor could be a sign of an infection, so check with your doctor if you notice that. There is a saying that you are what you eat.this means the food and fruits you eat are secreted in your sweat, saliva, semen and even vagina secretions. Not to mention, pineapples are also. This question puts 'you are what you eat' to the ultimate test But why are we asking this crazy question in the first place? The truth is that there's no definitive answer when it comes to the effect that pineapple has on vaginal taste. After this experience, I can quite safely say John's not just a trooper, but also a keeper. I asked. How to Make Semen Taste Better - Can Pineapple Change - Men's Health As a general rule, fruit is your friend, since it will enhance fructose and glucose already present in your semen. I'm basing this on anecdotal evidence, lukewarm expert approval and the industry knowledge of adult-film veteran Tasha Reign. Green tea. Let me start by saying I'm 20 years old and perfectly healthy and in a committed monogamous relationship. First, keep a healthy diet loaded with fruits and vegetables. 2023 Cond Nast.