#82 BROOKS Family who lived by or near a brook (creek). #260 SINGH Lion-like. Literally means wild olives. #380 DAWSON Son of David. #135 STEVENS Son of Steven. #344 SHELTON From the ledge/enclosure. Given names become even more significant in the patronymic system, as in Scandinavia, where the given name of the father becomes the surname of . #968 STANTON From the village on stony ground. #75 HOWARD Occupational surname for a ewe herder. #886 SAMPSON The sun. #196 GRANT Large, great. 1408 Sqft. #242 NUEZ Son of Nuo Not sure about the geography of the middle east? #255 CARR From an area of wet, rough ground High born. #784 MARIN Family of Marino or lives near the sea. #72 BAILEY Occupational surname for a bailiff. Common Surnames in the United States 1990 - Behind the Name Common Surnames in the United States Home Common Surnames Information from the U.S. Census Bureau. #144 WOODS Family who lived in or near the woods. #274 WONG Variation of the Korean surname Huang, which literally means shiny or yellow. Catholic, like all of the names we have data for, is identified by the U.S. Census Bureau as a surname which has more than 100 occurrences in the United States in the Decennial Census survey. #980 NOVAK The newcomer/new one. Literally means from the wood grove of Augustus. #322 HOPKINS From the family of Hob (nickname for Robert). #821 LIVINGSTON From the town founded by Leving (given name). #159 PORTER Occupational surname for someone who transported items. #131 ELLIS Son or Famiy of Elijah/Elias Literally means prominent. #85 JAMES Family of James (Supplanter). 5.00%, or 5 total occurrences, were "Hispanic Origin". #820 HOWE Lives near a man-made mound or burial mound.
Catholic Schools And The Fabric Of American Education - Forbes #562 TREVINO Lives in a house on a boundary, or where boundaries meet. The original locative name of Henry of the Marsh might be shortened over the years to Henry Marsh. #117 PATTERSON Son of Patrick. 2. #80 RICHARDSON Son of Richard. #756 MERRITT Habitational surname for a family who came from Merriott in Somerset, UK. In addition to operating BabyNames.com, Jennifer owns a web development agency in central California. Turner, Miller, Tailor, Potter, Weaver, Baker). #532 McCORMICK Son of Cormac. #5 JONES From the family of Jon/John. #628 BRADFORD From the broad or big ford. #868 PACE The peaceful one. #384 McCARTHY Form of the Gaelic Mac Carthaigh meaning son of Carthach (loving). Literally means a woody clearing. #691 HO Chinese surname with several meanings, descriptive of a chin waddle or characteristic long-lasting. Gallagher 15. the first daughter, after the father's mother. #917 HALEY From the hay clearing. Kevin Clay. #615 JEFFERSON Son of Jeffery. #237 RIOS Person who lived near the river. One being an occupational surname for a bow maker. #207 HART Irish surname, from the Gaelic hAirt meaning descendant of Art. #508 BALL Descriptive surname for a bald man. Kennedy 17. Designed, directed, and managed high-quality marketing literature for medical education on procedures and products. Yet even among heterosexual couples in which each partner keeps their name, the father still passes down his last name to the kids the majority of the time. Begin learning more about yourself and your heritage. It doesnt match my passport. #750 WOODARD Contraction of Woodward meaning ward or caretaker of the woods. #435 GILL Nickname for William. To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser. Many signified a profession (such as Potter) or place of residence (such as Hilton, short for hill town). 1. #340 CARRILLO Spanish surname, literally means cheek. From cart/wagon, so it may be occupational. #126 COLE From the word coal indicating a coal miner or possibly someone with darker skin. #899 BERNARD Bold as a bear. #857 RAYMOND Counsel protection. #467 TATE Cheerful person. The last name Helguson, for instance, means son of Helga, referring to a mothers first name; many other Icelanders have surnames that reflect the first name of their father. Alberto #745 SOLOMON Peaceful one, from the Hebrew Shalom. #74 KELLY Irish surname meaning bright headed or red-headed. #481 HAMMOND From the Norse Viking name Hamundr, meaning high protection. #780 McKEE From the Gaelic surnameMac Aodh, literally meaning son of the fiery one. Even in the U.S. and the United Kingdom, patrilineal surnames are a surprisingly new convention. #298 LUNA From one of the towns named Luna in Spain. Learn about one of the world's oldest and most popular religions. NameCensus.com. #341 SUTTON From the South. https://www.thoughtco.com/most-common-us-surnames-1422656 (accessed March 4, 2023). Join the community of family history enthusiasts and FamilySearch employees to ask questions and discuss potential product enhancements. #812 BUCK Either descriptive or occupational surname for someone who resembled a male deer, or someone who traded in them. #44 BAKER Occupational surname for family of a baker. #145 WASHINGTON From the area belonging to Wassas people. Walsh 5. #905 CORREA Occupational surname for someone who made or sold leather straps. That study also offers a roadmap for how American surnaming norms could change. While Smith remains the most common U.S. surname, for the first time, two Hispanic namesGarcia and Rodriguezmade the top 10. #718 KEITH Nickname for an offspring or young person. #635 BRIDGES Lives near a bridge or a bridge builder. #197 DUNN Dark or brown in complexion. #492 LOGAN From the Irish surname OLeoghain, meaning descendant of the warrior. Ohanisian - This name is patronymic for the Armenian . #462 HINES Occupational surname for a deer keeper or tender. #619 PITTMAN Lives by a quarry or pit. #375 WARNER Guard. Top 100 Most Common Last Names in the United States. #633 KIRBY Lives near the Church/Farm. #998 TRAVIS Occupational surname for someone who collected a tax or toll at a crossing. #49 CARTER Occupational surname for a cart driver. Actual product and specifications may vary in dimension or detail. #581 SHORT Nickname for a short person. #170 HICKS Family of Richard. Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records, Series 2-1 Surname Index: This index provides limited access to Marquette's premiere record body with genealogical value -- the Native American school attendance records with over 25,000 surnames from 76 Catholic elementary and secondary schools in 15 states, 1890s-1977. #567 COCHRAN Scottish surname for a family who lived near the lowlands of Cochrane. #174 BLACK Person who is darker in complexion. #616 HOOD Scottish occupational surname for a maker of hoods or nickname for someone who wore one.
120 Most Powerful And Strong Last Names Or Surnames 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. With over 30 billion (seriously!) #264 OLIVER Elf Army #735 HUERTA Lives by the top of a hill or near a fortress.
73 Most Popular Indian Christian Surnames, With Meanings - MomJunction Literally means the gate at the boundary. #982 MADDEN From the Irish surname OMadain, meaning descendant of the son of the hound. #408 OCHOA Basque surname meaning The wolf. #101 POWELL Son of Hywell. #518 CONNER An occupational surname for an inspector of weights and measures. Collins 31. #842 WALLS Someone who lived near or behind a big wall. #321 STANLEY Lives near the stone clearing. #335 FRAZIER Scottish clan surname, meaning varies but possibly near the strawberry field. #498 PARSONS Occupational surname for a parson or priest. Literally means forest of pines. #785 BERGER Either Swedish surname for someone who lived near a hill or mountain, or French for a shepherd (Bergere). #702 McDOWELL From the old Gaelic surname, MacDubhghaill meaning son of the dark one. For example, in the United States, Smith was the most popular surname in 1990 and retained that spot ten years later. #213 ARMSTRONG Literally means strong man.
31 White last names (what's the whitest of them all?) - Namesdy #608 DAVENPORT Habitational surname of families from Davenport in Cheshire, UK. Why? #877 VENTURA Foundling or deserted child used for someone who was innocent or gullible. #542 STOKES From the Old English stoc meaning trunk of a tree. cork: O'Sullivan derry: Doherty donegal: Gallagher dublin: Byrne galway: Conealy (also commonly spelled Conneely and Connolly) kerry: Sullivan kildare: Kelly kilkenny: Brennan laois: Delaneh leitrim: Kelly limerick: Ryan longford: Reilly louth: Byrne mayo: Walsh meath:Reilly monaghan: Duffy offaly: Kelly roscommon: Kelly sligo: McLoughlin #694 PARRISH Someone who lives near Paris, France or near a particular parish a geographical area defined by religion.
Catholic Name Meaning & Catholic Family History at Ancestry.com When Alcia Hernndez Grande, now a Ph.D. candidate at Northwestern University, got her drivers license as a teenager in Houston in 2004, she remembers that the DMV tried to split her last name, Hernndez Grande, into two parts. #830 SPEARS Occupational surname for a keeper of the Watch, which was an early form of a police officer. In this article we'll look at the origin and meaning of the surname Catholic and how popular it is in the United States. #588 UNDERWOOD Literally means below the trees of a forest, and could be a habitational surname. #124 MORENO Brown-skinned. #761 KLINE German nickname surname given to someone who was small. We appreciate your support! #544 BALLARD Nickname for a person who had a bald head. #491 WATERS From the place near the water, or family of Walter. #752 SHANNON From the Gaelic OSionain, an occupational surname for someone who worked with straw. #26 SANCHEZ Son of Sancho. #134 AGUILAR From a place name, meaning Eagle. Literally means dark or swarthy person (from Moor). And it also depends on which year you take a look at! #991 HENDRIX Family of Heinrich. When she and her mother pointed out the error, she said officials told her that they couldnt add spaces in the last-name column. #560 SHAFFER German occupational surname for someone who was a household manager or steward. Phone: (904) 823-8707 or (904) 806-2131. #215 CARROLL Irish surname from the Gaelic O Cearbhaill meaning fierce in battle. Literally means Little Valencia and Valencia means bravery, strength. #631 WALL Lives near a city wall or enclosure. #299 FOWLER Occupational surname for someone who works with fowl (birds). Anne Catherine Emmerich), and Lydia. #802 HENDRICKS Family of Hendrick/Heinrich. #241 GREENE Lives in or near a green area. #1 SMITH - A smith is a craftsman, and was used for as an occupational title for many different crafts. #427 KHAN Chief, ruler. #712 BERG From the mountain. #762 CORDOVA Habitational surname for a family from the ancient city of Crdoba, Spain. #505 FLOYD From the Welsh Lloyd or Llwyd, meaning grey. (S), or less than 100 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic White Only". Certain surnames identify Irish Catholic ancestry, but don't establish a dominant genealogy. #828 BRAVO Brave, proven in battle. Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. #596 WHITAKER From the white field or from the wheat field. NameCensus.com, https://namecensus.com/last-names/catholic-surname-popularity/. Murray 19. #613 ROCHA Portuguese surname based on the French surname Roche, which means lives by the rocky crag.
FBI Agents in Catholic Churches - The American Spectator | USA News and #941 BOOKER Occupational surname for someone who bound, wrote, or sold books. #438 HARMON Form of the name Herman, meaning army man. #494 STRICKLAND From the cow pasture. Straight, married couples in the U.S. still almost always give kids the fathers last name. Its incorrect. #932 LEVY From the family of Levi. Andrysiak This patronymic polish surname refers to 'Son of Andrzej.' Smith 6. #618 ANTHONY Unknown meaning. Carbo is an occupational last name referring "to someone who sells, extracts coal, or lived by a coal outcrop". #981 GOOD Respected/good person. #103 PERRY Son of Harry.
Meet the 6 American Black Catholics who are on the road to sainthood #558 BAUTISTA Baptist or baptized. #483 TOWNSEND From the end of the town (towns end). #782 DAVID Beloved. #770 BULLOCK From the English word bullock meaning young steer. In fact, data from a Census Bureau study reveals that the number of Hispanic surnames in the top 25 doubled between 1990 and 2000. Im going to go out on a limb and say Im not sure those are common conversations, she told me. #931 CANO Spanish/Portugal surname referring to a cave, or a French/Italian occupational surname occupational for someone who supplied cane/reeds for thatching. #413 FRANCIS Person from France or free man. Nevertheless, some surnames make it somewhat likely that somewhere along the line there was an Irish ancestor who was probably Catholic. To search, press CTRL-F on a PC, or -F on a Mac, then enter your last name. #253 AUSTIN Family of Augustin/Augustine. #37 TORRES Family who lived near a tower. Michael Houlihan may be the descendant of a MacDonough, a name with Scotch origins, who migrated from predominantly Protestant Northern Ireland to predominantly Catholic Southern Ireland and then married a Houlihan. #485 WISE Wise or educated person. Used for families from the region of Hesse, in Germany. #332 CRAIG Lives near the outcropping of rocks. #766 WINTERS Nickname surname for someone who was literally cold or unemotional. It was a respectable movement involving the most responsible and accomplished people of France.
I Have Two Last Names - Here is Why They Both Matter #282 WANG Chinese surname meaning king. #92 ALVAREZ Family of Alvaro. Given to a person who was a champion of a competition such as jousting. Several states, including Indiana, North Dakota, and Rhode Island, require unmarried mothers to pass down their surnames as a default (unless there is a paternity affidavit or written consent, depending on the state). #504 CASEY Irish surname from the Gaelic OCathasaigh, meaning son of Cathasach #10 MARTINEZ Son of Martin. #359 DELEON Family of Leon. #393 SALINAS Lives in a large building or fortress. #988 CANTRELL Occupational surname for a bell ringer (someone who rang the Chanterelles) or who sang in a choir. For people using this system, Icelandic surnames are not solely predicated on family names, but on the first name of the father or mother of the child. Catholic Last Name Popularity, Meaning and Origin, Common Asian and Pacific Islander Surnames, Common American Indian/Alaskan Native Surnames. Wilson 27. #7 MILLER Occupational surname for someone who worked in a mill. #681 HANCOCK Son of John. Although hyphenated last names are much more widely accepted than double-barrel surnames in the U.S., even they have faced roadblocks. #129 HERRERA Occupational surname for an iron worker (ferrier). From Ceallaigh. #136 MURRAY Scottish place name from the area of Moray, meaning seaboard settlement. When Hernndez Grande had kids of her own, she decided they should take the last name of her husbandwho is from Englandso that they wouldnt have the same experience she did. Non-GGG Members: Non-GGG members may search the Surname List database. cauldrons). #722 McCLAIN Scottish clan name, originally Mac Gille Eathain, meaning son of the servant of Saint John. #108 BUTLER Occupational surname for a butler/wine steward. #238 ESTRADA Literally means street or way In 2002, researchers found that about 97 percent of married couples passed down only the fathers last name to their first kid. Infoplease is a reference and learning site, combining the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas and several almanacs loaded with facts. #651 SWEENEY From the Scottish/Gaelic surname Mac Suibhne literally meaning young warrior from another land. #493 CAMACHO Twisted or disfigured. #276 HANSON Son of Hans. #404 CHANDLER Occupational surname for a candle-maker. #650 SOSA Portuguese surname meaning from the salt water (salsa agua) #804 SEXTON Occupational surname for someone who worked as a sexton, a warden of a church. Same-gender couples looking to start families, meanwhile, have no gendered default to fall back on. #172 PALMER Pilgrim. #620 HUYNH Korean surname meaning bright or yellow. #986 DICKSON Son of Richard. #35 WRIGHT Occupational surname meaning a craftsman. #787 BLANKENSHIP From the hill with a cairn. #987 REYNA From the French surname Rainer meaning army counsel. #400 HIGGINS From the Irish surname Huiginn meaning descendant of Uigin (Viking). #920 BLANCHARD With white hair or pale complexion. Examples: Roderick GuerreroRoderick, the warrior or soldier Lucas VicarioLucas, the vicar Carlos ZapateroCarlos, the shoemaker #866 BOYLE From the Gaelic surname OBaoighill, meaning family of the rash or angry person. #768 LESTER From Leicester, U.K. or the county town of Leicestershire.
Surname Search FamilySearch.org #754 NOLAN From the Gaelic surname ONullain, meaning son or descendent of the Kings herald. #353 MORAN Sea Warriors. #46 RIVERA From the shore or bank of a river. #800 SLOAN From the old Gaelic given name Sluaghadhan, meaning a leader of a military expedition. #78 COX Occupational surname, a derivative of Cook #847 MICHAEL Who is like god? Audie Murphy (1925-1971), American war hero and actor; Austin J. Murphy (born 1927), Democratic Congressman from Pennsylvania; . Unknown meaning. English, Scottish, German, Irish, Scandanavian. Read: For same-sex couples, changing names takes on extra significance. Because, until the 20th Century a 300-mile journey was taxing and time-consuming, the farther south one goes, the more likely it is the inhabitants are Catholic, or at least Catholic in origin. #66 ROGERS Family of Roger Bureaucratic roadblocks aside, many researchers suspect that the stubbornness of patrilineal surnames for heterosexual married couples relates to how they communicate about the issueeven when they discuss surnaming a child, theyre more likely to lean on tradition. #783 DEJESUS Follower of Jesus Christ. This sounds much less white than Smith or White, but it's still quite popular. Orientation.
A Complete List of Italian Last Names + Meanings #741 BLACKWELL Lives near the black stream. #280 BURTON From the fortified town. #646 ALLISON Unknown meaning, but possibly son of Alan. #56 PARKER Occupational surname for someone worked as a park keeper or game keeper. #807 HULL Either a habitational surname for someone who lived on or near a hill, or from the given name Hulle, which was a nickname for Hugh. Gharibian - The meaning of this Armenian patronymic name is "son of Gharib." "Gharib" is a Turkish word that means "stranger" or "impoverished person.". While Michael Houlihan's name sounds Irish and although he may have come from Dublin in the Irish Republic, that doesn't mean necessarily he's Catholic or even that his ancestors were predominantly Catholic. However, they eventually began using their given names as surnames after failing to fend off American colonizers in the 20th century.
A Complete List Of Common Filipino Surnames & Meanings #325 BATES Son of Bartholomew.
Naming customs of Hispanic America - Wikipedia #965 McPHERSON From the Gaelic surname Mac an Phearsain, meaning son of the parson. #154 GUZMAN Lived in or near the town of Guzmn, Spain. But these ripple effects through history and immigration status have led to the country we have today and the last names that you, your friends and family, and your acquaintances are known by. #843 TREJO Habitational Spanish surname, for someone from Trexo, a place in Asturias in northwest Spain. Sinad is Catholic, Sandra is Protestant. #14 WILSON Son of William. Literally means valley of the hare. Though few studies on the topic have been conducted, evidence suggests that in almost every American family with a mom and a dad, children receive their fathers last name. #473 GUERRA Literally means war, used for a stubborn person or soldier. Your last name can give you clues into who you are and where you came from. #924 LYNN Most likely a habitational surname from the Welsh word llyn meaning lake. #734 SNOW Descriptive surname for someone with very pale skin or light blonde hair. #789 PALACIOS Spanish surname for someone who lived in a palace or worked in a palace. Retrieved from https://namecensus.com/last-names/catholic-surname-popularity/.